我们怎么能有地下水枯竭时,海洋覆盖地球78% ?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 23 - t19:54:04z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/10211 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/10211 9 我们怎么能有地下水枯竭时,海洋覆盖地球78% ? khageshsistu //www.hoelymoley.com/users/0 2017 - 04 - 27 - t08:06:27z 2017 - 04 - 30 - t02:59:56z < p >为什么地下水位发生损耗,如果地球近78%水覆盖,河流和湖泊里还有水吗?< / p > < p >我们如何仍然缺乏地下水? < / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/10211/how - -我们可以-地下水枯竭——当——-地球- 78 -与oceans/10212 # 10212 4 回答为我们如何user2821地下水枯竭时,海洋覆盖地球78% ? user2821 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/2536 2017 - 04 - 27 - t08:32:29z 2017 - 04 - 27 - t08:42:44z < p >地下水形成降水的降落到地面。它通过土壤流向海洋海洋表面较低。通常它流入河流和湖泊。< / p > < p >如果降水减少或水从地面注入,如灌溉、地下水表级水槽。< / p > < p >如果地下水成为低于海平面,咸的海水将流从海上土地和摧毁饮用水井。< / p > < p >我希望这回答了你的问题。< / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/10211/how - -我们可以-地下水枯竭——当——-地球- 78 -与oceans/10214 # 10214 28 回答大卫Hammen如何我们有地下水枯竭时,海洋覆盖地球78% ? 大卫Hammen //www.hoelymoley.com/users/239 2017 - 04 - 27 - t11:59:51z 2017 - 04 - 27 - t11:59:51z < blockquote > < p >我们如何仍然缺乏地下水?< / p >

That 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by oceans is completely irrelevant to the issue of fresh groundwater depletion. Salty groundwater is useless for drinking or irrigating crops.

The issue at hand is the depletion of those underground reserves of fresh water. This depletion can result from natural or human causes. The Sahara is an example of natural depletion. The Sahara was significantly wetter than it is now several thousands of years ago. Rains over the course of a few thousand years created a number of underground reservoirs of fresh water in the Sahara. Rain stopped falling on the Sahara about 7000 years ago. The few remaining oases in the Sahara are places where groundwater still comes close to the surface as a result of that roughly 3000 year long wet spell.

Humans can also cause groundwater depletion. It takes several centuries for rainfall to percolate down to the water table. The replenishment of aquifers is very slow. This is balanced by a very slow trickle from a natural spring here, another one there. The end result is a more or less steady state where the slow replenishment balances the slow outflow. It's very easy to disrupt that balance. Climate change (both natural and anthropogenic) can change the replenishment rate, while artificial wells can drastically increase the depletion rate.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/10211/how - -我们可以-地下水枯竭——当——-地球- 78 -与oceans/10218 # 10218 2 回答为我们如何Beanluc地下水枯竭时,海洋覆盖地球78% ? Beanluc //www.hoelymoley.com/users/7988 2017 - 04 - 27 - t18:48:58z 2017 - 04 - 27 - t18:48:58z < p >考虑高程。< / p >

The bottom of the lowest/deepest part of the Ogalala Aquifer is still hundreds of meters above sea level.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/10211/how - -我们可以-地下水枯竭——当——-地球- 78 -与oceans/10225 # 10225 1 答案由Rabah Akrour对于我们如何地下水枯竭时,海洋覆盖地球78% ? Rabah Akrour //www.hoelymoley.com/users/7995 2017 - 04 - 28 - t07:49:06z 2017 - 04 - 28 - t08:26:16z < p > A.S.教授菲说:< / p > < blockquote > < p >水的循环,这不可思议的泵与太阳能和提供营养的大陆约有40 000公里<一口> 3 < /一口> /年。< / p >

When seawater evaporates, it becomes fresh and then it's poured on earth it's filtrated by the soils to form an underground reservoir of freshwater neglecting any form of human pollution.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/10211/how - -我们可以-地下水枯竭——当——-地球- 78 -与oceans/10229 # 10229 2 回答为我们如何coteyr地下水枯竭时,海洋覆盖地球78% ? coteyr //www.hoelymoley.com/users/8005 2017 - 04 - 28 - t15:44:14z 2017 - 04 - 28 - t15:44:14z < p >我将试着用一个类比来解释吧。< / p > < p >在一个锅里尿尿。< / p >

In the next pot is water you can drink.

Now take a table spoon and move the pee from the pee pot to the drink pot, taking time to sanitize it and turn it back to drinkable water.

It doesn't matter how big the pee pot is, 7,000,000 gallons of pee is still only turned into drinkable water one table spoon at a time, so the max you can take from the drink pot is one table spoon (at the same rate your converting your pee). If you take more then that then your diminishing your drinkable water.

The earth is much like our pee pot and drinkable pot example. There is a massive amount of salt water (and non-drinkable fresh water). That's our pee pot. The process of converting that into drinkable water is slow and limited. It takes quite some time to evaporate "dirty" water rain it, for that water to pool, collect and filter, and finely become drinkable.

No matter the size of the pool of undrinkable water, the drinkable water is only replenished at a very slow and limited rate. If we "use" more drinkable water then is being produced, then it's kinda like drinking our entire drinkable water pot, and peeing back in the pee pot. We still don't have anything to drink.

That is a very simple view, and I tired to use a funny, but "gross enough" example to help illustrate. But the fundamentals are the same.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/10211/how - -我们可以-地下水枯竭——当——-地球- 78 -与oceans/10243 # 10243 0 回答为我们如何Olak地下水枯竭时,海洋覆盖地球78% ? Olak //www.hoelymoley.com/users/7993 2017 - 04 - 30 - t02:54:32z 2017 - 04 - 30 - t02:59:56z < p >我想精心有点地下水储量。地下水面以下,地球内部的多孔岩石饱和与淡水(1)(2)盐水(包含许多溶解离子和太咸了喝,有时甚至比海水咸),(3)石油、天然气(4)。饮用水的含水层位于浅深度和被雨充电,积雪、冰川融化等。需要数千年积累这些含水层的水。< / p >

When an oil well is drilled down to 1-3 km depth, it encounters many aquifers (porous rocks that have pore-spaces filled with water) that are separated by aquicludes (typically mudstones, tight rocks with low permeability that prohibit fluid flow). The shallowest aquifers are typically potable and deep aquifers contain brine water that is not suitable for drinking. The point is that not all underground water is drinkable.

Potable water regulations are different for different places, for example cattle/farm-animal/irrigation water standards are lower than for human drinking (irrigation water is allowed to be a bit more saltier).

The issue is that municipalities extract water from these shallow, good quality aquifers at a much greater rate than they are replenished. Some cities treat and reuse their wastewater (unfortunately this is rare, because people are too squeamish to drink water that once contained pee), while others just keep pulling new water out of the ground/lakes/rivers.
