最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 07 - t21:05:37z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/12262 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/12262 3 一些关于玻璃的问题
MT_Head //www.hoelymoley.com/users/11015 2017 - 09 - 09 - t09:38:53z 2017 - 09 - 11 - t07:29:33z < p >玻璃,我的理解,是一个物质的固相非晶和加热时经历了一个玻璃化转变。< / p > < p >我的思路——因此我的问题——开始与黑曜石。我的理解是,黑曜石是由材料,通常会形成结晶岩石,但因为它是暴露在空气中在喷发,它冷却过快结晶,因此巩固了玻璃。这让我怀疑:多大熔岩流,还能产生黑曜石吗?特别是在赛季7 < em > < / em >,权力的游戏Dragonstone是显示包含一个名副其实的黑曜石的山——这样的事情可能在现实世界中吗?我认为,超过一定体积,质量的中心将其绝缘结晶可能发生,破坏了黑曜石。什么是最大的黑曜石在自然界发现的质量?< / p > < p >过快冷却让我想到另一个问题:水形成玻璃吗?这么快就有可能blast-freeze水冰晶体不?如果是这样,这种玻璃的性质是什么?

Finally, I wonder about regular, garden-variety silicate glass (as found in windows and bottles.) Can it be cooled slowly enough so that crystals do form? And if so, what are its properties? (Have I essentially re-invented quartz?)

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/12262/-/12272 # 12272 2 回答关于玻璃把手抓痕的几个问题
旋钮刮子 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/7333 2017 - 09 - 10 - t00:46:12z 2017 - 09 - 10 - t00:46:12z < blockquote > < p >,特别是在赛季7权力的游戏,岛上Dragonstone显示包含一个名副其实的黑曜石的山——这样的事情可能在现实世界中吗?我认为,超过一定体积,质量的中心将其绝缘结晶可能发生,破坏了黑曜石。< / p > < /引用> < p >确定,一个黑曜石的岛屿可能形成的结果重复长英质的火山喷发沉积一层又一层的黑曜石。但是,这将是相对近期的爆发是黑曜石矿物学的不稳定,使不透明水晶chrystobalite,慢慢地,所以慢慢地变成了石英。< / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/12262/-/12276 # 12276 3 回答关于玻璃knb的几个问题
knb //www.hoelymoley.com/users/10856 2017 - 09 - 10 - t10:07:19z 2017 - 09 - 11 - t07:29:33z < p > <强> Q1 < /强>:火山由许多熔岩流发生在很长一段时间。一般来说,只有很少的这些熔岩流有正确的成分和正确的所需冷却历史形成黑曜石。< / p > < p >这是为什么只有部分火山由黑曜石,和体积一般少量。< / p > < p > < >强Q2 < /强>:是的有< /强> <强>非晶冰。众所周知< a href = " https://scholar.google.de/scholar?q=%22amorphous+ice%22&btnG=&hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&as_vis=1" rel="nofollow noreferrer">since the 1980s. These days it is being used in laboratory environments, e.g. for electron cryomicroscopy. This is a high-tech-method for observing biochemical reactions and cellular processes in situ. The microorganisms need to be alive and in the middle of a reaction when shock-freezed. Researchers want to image atomic structures of the biomolecules, not from ubiquitous crystalline water so it better be amourphous.

Q3: Glass from windows and bottles contains more Na and K than most Granitic rocks. Na- and K-rich ingredients are being added as fluxing agent (limestone, soda), in the glass factory, decreasing the melting point of the silicates and therefore lowering the production costs.

I think a melt of bottle glass, when crystallizing slowly would initially form the minerals Nepheline and Leucite, but late in the solidifcation process also Alkali Feldspar, and some Quarz, among other minerals.

If you cooled it so slowly that no glass phase forms, you still might get zoned crystals, having with a different composition from core to rim. That depends on the absence/presence of impurities and local chemical (dis-) equilibria.
