是地球的海平面显著降低在古代?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 07 - t11:51:02z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/12372 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/12372 3 是地球的海平面显著降低在古代? Bej //www.hoelymoley.com/users/11151 2017 - 09 - 26 - t04:47:00z 2017 - 10 - 02 - t15:13:53z < p >很多时候,文物,甚至整个古代文明被发现埋深在地面地球表面。< / p > < p >整个文明,高层建筑许多米处发现了地球。< / p > < p >这是否意味着地球的海平面比现在低很多吗?如果这是真的,那么我们经历一个较低的水平的重力吗?< / p >

How can just sedimentation of sand, bury big building to such depths?

If lack of habitation by humans eventually results in burying of things, then what about the places like Chernobyl, which has not been inhabited for a long time?

I am not a physics grad or anything, just a curious guy.

Any help is much appreciated.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/12372/-/12407 # 12407 7 回答汤姆·牛顿是地球的海平面显著降低在古代? 汤姆牛顿 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/10710 2017 - 09 - 30 - t09:30:52z 2017 - 09 - 30 - t16:17:34z < p >这里有几个问题,我只关注一个问题关于海平面过去按标题问题。< / p > < p >简而言之,全球平均海平面(GMSL)都低,高于过去。就在最近的冰川最大大约25000年前GMSL低于目前约120的水冰在陆地上举行。然而,< / p > < p > GMSL并不存在因为海平面不是级别,但总结全球趋势的一种有用的方式。人们生活在沿海地区的经验是相对海平面(RSL),它被定义为平均水平的海面相对于土地的水平。有两个关键组件影响RSL:地壳均衡和海面升降。简言之,地壳均衡指的是垂直位置或运动的土地(地球的固体地壳坐在地幔熔融和受垂直位移平衡态由上覆岩层压力的平衡即土地的质量浓度引起沉降的土地在这而令人振奋的土地延伸超出了大众的焦点。海面升降指的是一个统一的、全球海平面的变化引起的波动之间的平衡水在土地(通常以冰)在海洋,或通过改变海洋盆地的能力(通常构造有关)。RSL可以从GMSL相差很大(令人吃惊,因为这是一个意味着测量)。例如(我将使用英国的例子,因为这就是我来自),冰原覆盖在最后的冰河时代不列颠群岛北部的从苏格兰到中间英格兰南部(准确的程度仍然在科学文献中讨论)。有效的覆冰不列颠群岛变成一个巨大的拉锯北部的土地下沉和令人振奋的南部。 The effects of this are still felt today long after the ice has melted (and contributed a eustatic sea level component) as the land level readjusts to its equilibrium state( glacio-isostatic adjustment); the land in Scotland is rising and the land in the south of England is subsiding. So, whilst is true that globally sea level is rising (at a rate of around 3.2 mm/yr), when combined with local land level changes then some places actually currently experience a sea level fall (in Scotland this is up to -1.5mm/yr) whilst in regions of isostaic subsidence the rate of sea level rise can be considerably greater than GMSL.

Since you mentioned gravity in your question I'll breifly introduce another curious component (there are others,see reference below) which results in globally non-uniform sea level changes. We are not experiencing a lower level of gravity (gravity is a constant). The amount of gravity that something possesses is proportional to its mass and distance between it and another object. On Earth mass is obviously not evenly distributed, with each location on the planet experiencing a different mass-dependant perturbation of the gravitational field. So for example, as an ice sheet forms and grows mass increases which results in a gravitational perturbation which attracts the ocen toawrds the ice sheet but as the ice sheet melts and the gravitational perturbation reduces that water that was previously drawn towards the ice mass is redistributed in distant locations from the ice mass. This (counterintuitively) means that the greatest rates of sea level rise as a consequence of Greenland melt are actually experienced in the Southern Hemisphere.

Hope this serves as a useful introduction. I would usually include more references but I'm writing this on my phone right now whilst travelling on a train. One key reference,which is written in a non-technical style, worth checking out is : Sea level is not level : The case for a new approach to predicting UK sea-level rise. / Gehrels, Willem Roland; Long, A.J. In: Geography Compass, Vol. 93, No. 1, 01.03.2008, p. 11-16.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/12372/-/12416 # 12416 2 答案由RRC是地球的海平面显著降低在古代? RRC //www.hoelymoley.com/users/639 2017 - 10 - 02 - t15:13:53z 2017 - 10 - 02 - t15:13:53z < p > "这意味着地球的海平面比现在低很多吗?如果这是真的,那么我们经历一个较低的水平的重力吗?“\ < / p > < p >确实有时间在地球的过去当海平面比现在低。的一个主要原因是地球的冰期-间冰期旋回。在一封尘封,大陆上有巨大的冰层。这个冰的水来自海洋,因此海平面时低有很多冰在陆地上。< / p >