经过几天的烟雾缭绕的空气,为什么呆在室内更健康?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 08 - 10 - t23:47:06z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/12464 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/12464 5 经过几天的烟雾缭绕的空气,为什么呆在室内更健康? 特拉维斯 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/11264 2017 - 10 - 12 - t16:35:01z 2021 - 04 - 15 - t01:24:06z < p >一个很大的森林大火已经燃烧了四天一些距离我的家乡。空气烟雾缭绕,但比昨天或前天没有烟。一般的观点认为,我们都应该待在室内。< / p >

As I enjoy my relative safety and indoor accommodations, I wonder why the indoor air is safer than the outdoor air. Even buildings that had 12-foot-wide (4-metre-wide) cargo doors open yesterday contain air less smoky than the outdoor air, or at least it smells that way.

Are still there fewer smoke particles per unit volume indoors? Do indoor environments trap the particles better? Why is the air safer indoors?

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/12464/-/12481 # 12481 1 弗雷德回答,经过几天的烟雾缭绕的空气,为什么呆在室内更健康? 弗雷德 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/2470 2017 - 10 - 14 - t07:51:55z 2017 - 10 - 14 - t07:51:55z < p >如果你是在户外你会充分暴露空气中污染物的浓度。里面,有一个合理的假设之间的空气交换率在一个房子,外面会较低,这里面会有低浓度的污染物。< / p > < p >房屋和建筑物不密封。门窗周围的缝隙很小导致低利率之间的气流内外的房屋和建筑物。多风的天气流速越低越少。< / p >

The other way to consider it is when a room has been closed for a lengthy period while someone has been in the room, the air in the room becomes stuffy. This is because the air in the room is not being replaced by fresh air quickly enough to remove stuffy air. To remove to stuffy air the windows and doors need to be left open for a period of time for fresh air to replace the stuffy air.

The same thing happens when the air outside is heavily polluted. The air inside is cleaner and remains cleaner for a longer period if the doors and windows remain shut because the rate of transfer between air inside the building and outside is small.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/12464/-/12482 # 12482 1 答案由BarocliniCplusplus经过几天的烟雾缭绕的空气,为什么呆在室内更健康? BarocliniCplusplus //www.hoelymoley.com/users/704 2017 - 10 - 14 - t21:47:28z 2017 - 10 - 14 - t21:47:28z < p >如果我正确地理解你的问题,你问为什么空气里面通常比空气更清洁的外面,尤其是如果它是烟。< / p > < p >烟不是气体,但悬浮的固体颗粒。因此,烟雾颗粒下降,但由于阻力速度非常缓慢。空气吹靠墙时,吸烟可以吹在墙上,也可以存入墙(想想灰尘积聚)。当然,更小的微粒可以协商曲线更容易,所以它并不完美。< / p >

A house is (generally speaking) four walls, so if smoke was blowing against your house, even the small particles that could go around a solitary wall would be blocked off by the walls on the side of the house.

As the other answers suggest, a house generally isn't perfectly cut off (hermetically sealed). This means that small openings in your house can let air and let the smallest particles of smoke in. For other reasons, that is good and bad. If too much smoke is brought in, it is hard to get out (consider a cigarette smoker inside). For example, furniture acts as a capacitor of smoke, gradually releasing it in time.

In your case, consider you open your doors a bit and some smoke got inside. The smoke will diffuse throughout your house and settle into the floor. Assuming the mass of the puff of smoke is much less than the mass of air inside your house, the concentration of smoke inside your house will likely be negligible.

There are a number of different ways you can slow smoke down from entering into your house. Besides the ways listed above, building an anteroom may also prevent smoke from entering and make your house a bit more energy efficient.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/12464/-/21106 # 21106 1 答案由泰勒歌顿经过几天的烟雾缭绕的空气,为什么呆在室内更健康? 泰勒歌顿 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/2491 2021 - 04 - 15 - t01:24:06z 2021 - 04 - 15 - t01:24:06z < p >除非你家有一个全面的暖通空调系统空气过滤空气在房子里面就像外面的空气污染严重。< / p > < p >呼吸稀薄的烟雾是不危险的。记住之前,烤箱和炉子加热带有壁炉的房子和呼吸烟雾整天,每一天,烟比你会被暴露在一个遥远的森林大火。< / p >

The air inside your house is probably way more polluted than the air outside of it because of all the toxic shit you bring into the house and release, such as: bathroom cleaners, window cleaners, "air fresheners", toilet cleaners, waxes, polishes, nail polish, perfume, deodorants, the car, hair spray, etc. Also, there are lots of things in your house that outgas highly toxic, carcinogenic substances including: computers, phones, audio equipment, anything rubber, anything with volatile oils and lubricants like motors, anything made out of fabric treated with fire retardent (upholstery, clothing, rugs, curtains, etc). Then, of course, if you have a modern house it is made of drywall, so you are constantly breathing gypsum dust (calcium sulfate), and if the house is insulated, then you are also breathing particles of fiberglass. Get the picture?

The government tells you to stay inside because they want to control you.
