海水的热膨胀可以是区域现象的产物,例如El Niño,热带太平洋东部的周期性变暖。但迄今为止,其中一些区域周期与长期全球气候变化没有直接联系——尽管它们有时会独立地对全球气候产生强大的短期影响。< / p >
So bottom line is that it is easier to measure the amount of change, then to calculate direct figures concerning how much actual water was involved in causing that change. Hope this helped.
Update: There is some specific data on another page of the Nasa site concerning the volume of water being generated by the melt of the Greenland Ice Sheet:
The estimated total loss is in the range of more than 200 to more than 300 gigatons per year (1 gigaton is approximately 264 billion gallons of water. Melting 365 gigatons of ice would add 1 millimeter to global sea level; there are 25.4 millimeters in an inch).
This does give you some approximations in gallons per year of one of the main contributors to the sea level rise.
NASA图表: 你可以通过这样的搜索找到一些文章:"海平面上升"冰雪融化扩张