小的爬行动物和哺乳动物是如何成功地幸存的KT事件比大恐龙?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 10 - t12:32:17z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/13013 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/13013 5 小的爬行动物和哺乳动物是如何成功地幸存的KT事件比大恐龙? user11784 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/0 2018 - 01 - 03 - t09:40:30z 2018 - 01 - 03 - t23:04:43z < p >昨晚,我在电视上看这个节目< a href = " http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09ksl99 " rel = " noreferrer " > T雷克斯< / >的真正的主持人指出,小型爬行动物(鳄鱼和哺乳动物)“管理”生存KT消灭恐龙大灭绝事件。< / p >

The survival of the smaller animals wasn't a subject of the programme, so this wasn't explored further.

But this got me to thinking... What environmental/climatic factors could have promoted the complete extinction of the larger air/land/sea animals but allowed smaller species to survive?

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/13013/-/13019 # 13019 3 回答约翰小型爬行动物和哺乳动物是如何成功地幸存的KT事件比大恐龙? 约翰 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/7080 2018 - 01 - 03 - t23:04:43z 2018 - 01 - 03 - t23:04:43z < p >主要与三个因素,数字,繁殖力和行为。让我们从最后一个开始,某些行为,增加你生存的机会更有可能在掘穴等小动物的事情,和冬眠。他们也更可能是多面手能够吃任何东西,专业化是一个死刑在重大环境变化。他们还需要更少的食物总量作为个体,它是一只老鼠更容易找到足够的食物比一头大象在废墟中存活,这也适用于比较冷血vs温血动物。< / p > < p >第二个数字,有几十亿老鼠仅在纽约,即使总城市的破坏是非常简单的一些老鼠发生被幸运地生存下来,小动物会死在大量但有很多他们更可能有一些生存。他们真的有大数定律对他们有利。< / p >

Last is reproduction, size is connected to reproduction, an elephant reproduces once every two years under ideal conditions, while a rat can breed every 24 days, so even if a few elephants do survive they repopulate so slowly they may never recover and some other minor event may finish them off.

So if you combine these not only are small animals more likely to survive they can recover far faster than most large animals, so all things being equal you should expect small animals to be better at surviving and diversifying after a event.
