最近30个来自www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 04 - 14 - t22:31:41z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/13821 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/13821 5 我可以用钻石做化石燃料吗?
埃内斯托·伊格莱西亚斯 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/11388 2018 - 04 - 05 - t00:53:06z 2022 - 02年- 27 - t09:15:35z 除了文化含义(如果我说错了请纠正我,但人造钻石并不难获得,对吗?)钻石是纯碳,比石墨更不稳定。那么,为什么不用钻石作为燃料呢?< / p >

My approach: steel melts at 1500°C at least (and there are better steel that melt at higher temperatures). It is pretty high compared with diamond combustion temperature that is just 800°C and once you get to that point combustion will generate enough energy to burn diamond itself. So you can burn it in a steel piston.

Ok, I admit 800°C is pretty high compared with paper and wood (233–400°C) but it is a clean combustion (you obtain only CO2, assuming a constant oxygen input). From this point of view hydrogen is the only competitor but it rise to 500°C, that is not little.

So, what is the practical limitation in the use of diamonds as fossil fuel?

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/13821/-/13822#13822 1 我可以用钻石作为化石燃料吗?
约翰 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/7080 2018 - 04 - 05 - t01:29:33z 2018 - 04 - 05 - t01:29:33z 稀缺是最大的限制,钻石像煤一样燃烧,但与煤不同的是,它们极其稀有。人造钻石的成本仍然比挖煤高得多。< / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/13821/-/13827#13827 11 我可以用钻石作为化石燃料吗?
Gimelist //www.hoelymoley.com/users/725 2018 - 04 - 05 - t11:04:20z 2022 - 02年- 27 - t09:15:35z 钻石很贵。真的很贵。甚至“cheap"人造钻石比传统化石燃料贵几个数量级。通过使用它们作为燃料,你将增加需求,从而进一步提高它们的价格。人造钻石必须以某种方式制造出来,为此你需要能量。钻石会烧,但烧得不好。例如,查看这个视频钻石在纯氧中燃烧。在移除热源后,燃烧会持续大约一分钟,但随后就停止了。然后,你需要施加一个恒定的热源,这需要能量。 You will probably have to put in more energy than you get from the combustion of diamonds. Kinetically, diamonds just don't burn as well as other things with carbon (like fuel or wood or coal).
  • One of your arguments is that diamonds burn "cleanly" (let's not forget that CO2 is a pollutant as well). Burning of natural gas emits only CO2 and H2O, so it's a much better alternative when pollution is a consideration.
  • Diamonds are so much more useful for other things. Don't waste diamonds on energy production!
  • edit:

    Some commenters argued that diamond isn't actually rare, and the prices are artificially inflated. Maybe, but even then it doesn't make any sense. Every year, 26 tons of diamond are mined. Even if there's a conspiracy, and mining companies actually ten times more at 260 tons per year, this amount is absolutely dwarfed by the 7 billion tons of coal produced annually. Even if you're burning every single diamond produced, this will be absolutely negligible compared to the amount of coal (and other fossil fuels) currently used as fuels.

    Don't forget about grade. Coal seams are close to pure carbon. Let's take for example 85% combustible material in a rock. Then you're getting 850 kg of carbon in one ton of rock. Diamond grade is much lower. If you're extremely lucky, you can get about 70 grams of diamond in one ton of rock. Most often you're getting less than 1 gram per ton of diamond. So unlike coal which can be burnt as mined, diamond has to be separated from its host rock. This adds yet another time consuming and costly process in order to produce diamond raw material which is less suitable for combustion relative to its chemically identical coal.
