碳在海洋酸化的作用——地球科学堆栈交换江南电子竞技平台江南体育网页版 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 04 - 11 - t15:13:26z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/13828 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/13828 9 碳在海洋酸化的作用 Warbo //www.hoelymoley.com/users/12601 2018 - 04 - 05 - t12:30:23z 2021 - 09 - 18 - t10:08:18z < p >这可能看起来像一个基本的问题,但是我有点困惑对海洋酸化的影响不同的碳化合物。< / p > < p >我听说大气中二氧化碳含量的增加导致海洋酸化,降低海洋的博士< / p > < p >我也听说贝类贻贝和牡蛎可以用作碳汇,让贝类农业固碳的一种形式。这是有道理的,因为外壳包含碳的形式碳酸钙。< / p > < p >我的问题是这样的封存如何影响海洋酸化?一方面,固碳碳酸钙会降低碳在海洋,这似乎减少的影响CO 2 <子> < /订阅>。另一方面,碳酸钙是碱:浸出矿石等海洋形成贝壳似乎增加酸度(从相反的过程,溶解碳酸钙,减少酸性)。< / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/13828/-/13836 # 13836 5 回答,Rolf碳在海洋酸化的作用 罗尔夫 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/12611 2018 - 04 - 08 - t10:30:37z 2021 - 09 - 18 - t10:08:18z < p >在回答这个复杂的问题,我认为这是重要的考虑碳的形式是利用和整体反应(警告:有些冗长的提前转移,推进已经理解这样的道歉如果观众)。在长期的碳循环中,大气类< span = " math-container " > \ ce美元{CO_ {2 (g)}} $ < / span >驱动器风化在陆地上,重要的是硅酸盐。$\ce{CO_{2(g)}}$ dissolves in pure water forming ($\ce{CO_{2(aq)}}$), which can react with water to form carbonic acid ($\ce{H_2CO_{3(aq)}}$): $$ \ce{CO_{2(g)} + {H_{2}O_{(l)}} <=> {H_2CO_{3(aq)}} }$$ but true carbonic acid is unstable, and the vast majority of this total dissolved carbon is thus present as dissolved molecular $\ce{CO_{2(aq)}}$, with concentrations obeying the simple Henry's law relation (not shown). We can write this net reaction as: $$ \ce{CO_{2} + {H_{2}O} <=> {H_2CO_{3(aq)}} <=> H^{+}_{(aq)} + HCO_^{-}_{3(aq)} }$$ Bicarbonate also reflects the association/dissociation reaction involving pure carbonate ion, $$ \ce{H^{+} + CO_^{2-}_{3} <=> HCO_^{-}_{3}} $$ Weathering of a continental silicate, e.g., a normative wollastonite (chosen for simplicity), can thus be written as$$ \ce{ CaSiO_3 + H_{2}O +2CO_{2} -> 2 HCO_^{-}_{3} + Ca^{2+} + SiO_{2}} $$ The important point is that the dissolved carbon delivered to seawater by continental weathering is as bicarbonate, and surface seawater pH ($\sim 8)$ in approximate equilibrium with atmospheric $\ce{CO_{2}}$ indeed reflects this distribution of dissolved species. If we write the equilibrium for skeletal calcium carbonate as $$\ce{ CaCO_{3} <=> CO_^{2-}_{3} + Ca^{2+}}$$ we can combine the above equations to give the overall reaction for the dissolution/precipitation of $\ce{CaCO_3}$ in seawater (incorporating the mass balance on $\ce{CO_2}$ from reactions 1., 2., 3., and 5.) as, $$ \ce{CaCO_{3} + H_{2}O + CO_{2} = Ca^{2+} + 2HCO_^{-}_{3} } $$ Thus in this context, an important result is that, in the overall mass balance associated with precipitation of $\ce{CaCO_{3}}$ (i.e., driving the above reaction to the left), $\ce{CaCO_{3}}$ serves as a source, not a sink of carbon, because it liberates one mole of $\ce{CO_2}$ originally delivered as bicarbonate to seawater from silicate weathering. In the larger view (long term geochemical cycling), marine carbonates are a temporary sink for carbon that is ultimately subducted and returned to the atmosphere by vulcanism and other magmatic processes. The carbonates residing on the continents today (e.g., Paleozoic) have, in contrast, a much longer residence or cycling time that their modern pelagic equivalents.

Now, to your question: ocean acidification (titration of seawater by atmospheric $\ce{CO_2}$, driving the last reaction to the right) per se is buffered by the attack of this sink of $\ce{CaCO_3}$ producing more bicarbonate. Sequestration of carbon by growing shellfish will, according to the above, consume (some of) this bicarbonate, and produce $\ce{CO_2}$ as a result. The larger, key question to me, is the rate at which the existing store of sedimentary $\ce{CaCO_3}$, particularly in surface water where it is being formed, dissolves in response to this attack.
