地球(或至少它的表面)自形成以来经历了多少次极端的温度和活动周期?我知道可能会有一些不确定性,因为这是超过数亿年的规模。如果这个问题可以在一个有限的地质时期内得到更清楚的回答,请使用这个边界,并回答一个更近的时期。< / p >
I'd also be interested to learn about any kinds of measurements or cutting edge topics or research questions that would help us learn about these cycles in the past.
From the Wikipedia page on Ice Ages, there's this Timeline of life including a list of ice ages on left side.
Based on this, there were 7 ice ages in the past 4.5 billion years (apx age of the Earth). Were there also 7 major periods of high volcanic activity?