在地质时期,板块边界的形状发生了多少变化?-地江南体育网页版球科学堆栈交换江南电子竞技平台 最近30个来自www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 04 - 06 - t10:41:12z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/14099 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/14099 4 在地质时期,板块边界的形状发生了多少变化? nbgeog //www.hoelymoley.com/users/12887 2018 - 05 - 10 - t21:04:47z 2018 - 05 - 11 - t19:53:32z 这是一个困扰我多年的问题。作为一个新老师,在我们的板块构造课上,一个12岁的孩子问了我这个问题。我说过我要出去看看。我真的很感激你的帮助!< / p >

I have some understanding of plate tectonics but I struggle with understanding how the plate boundaries have changed in terms of their actual spatial positions over long periods of time. For example, what would the 'jigsaw pattern' of plates at the time of Pangea have looked like? At plate margins, does the pressure of compression or expansion actually change the spatial position of the margin? Anderson comments... "The definition of a plate and a plate boundary is subjective. Things are constantly changing. It is improbable that there is a steady state or equilibrium configuration of plates because both ridges and trenches migrate and only a few of the 16 kinds of triple junctions are stable."

This serves to confuse me further unfortunately. I have no issues understanding how continents move around, it is the potential change to the size, shape, orientation and position of plates that baffles me!

This probably relates to the potential for new plate boundaries to be formed...and existing ones to close up. Is this possible? Sorry if this is an overly simple question. If this is possible it could explain a lot. A geologist friend told me that the East African Rift Valley is an example of a weakness in the crust that could turn into a plate margin. If that's true that could explain a lot. If new plates can form and existing ones disappear this would go a long way to solving my dilemma.

Any views would be much appreciated and I can then give my 12 year old pupil a decent answer! Many thanks all.

PS. Just about every geography text book out there suggests plate tectonics is a result of convection currents in the mantle. Many teachers teach this because that's what they've been taught. I appreciate the science has moved on and now involved slab-pull and several other potential forces! Without making it too complex, what should we be teaching 12+ year olds?

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/14099/-/14106#14106 3. 在地质时期,板块边界的形状发生了多少变化? C.Crumpet //www.hoelymoley.com/users/12892 2018 - 05 - 11 - t08:04:10z 2018 - 05 - 11 - t12:52:31z 我不确定你是否真的在问构造板块的边界,或者大陆的边界,在教授大陆漂移时,由于南美和非洲等大陆的结合方式,它们通常被描述为一个拼图。我将尝试解决这两种可能性。构造板块的边界是不断变化的。构造边界的许多边缘都是薄的新形成的海洋地壳,不会有太多的战斗。你知道俯冲,所以你知道海洋地壳是不断“循环”的。在整个地球历史上,今天地球上大陆地壳的数量是不存在的。目前的想法是,它已经积累了一段时间(理论的不同是有多快),通过多个过程,建立了大陆地壳目前的水平,其浮力比地幔和海洋地壳更强,因此能够抵抗俯冲。因此,大陆的大小和形状在地球的历史上一直在缓慢地变化和增长,因为它们获得了新的部分,连接和分裂。例如,盘古大陆时期的板块“拼图图案”是什么样子的?< / p >

this video shows continents moving around, growing and joining and how they change over time, at least for the last 1.5 billion years of earth's 4.5 billion history. Pangea was around from 335Ma to 175Ma, you can see it form and break up in the video.


This probably relates to the potential for new plate boundaries to be formed...and existing ones to close up. Is this possible?

In this video blue and red lines show active tectonic plate boundaries. you can see that they change. They move around, old ones stop and new ones start. They even change from divergent to convergent or consume each other.

At plate margins, does the pressure of compression or expansion actually change the spatial position of the margin?

Absolutely. at the end of the video watch India slam into Asia and create the Himalayas as a result.

I'm not an education specialist, but i have seen videos like these be used to explain the processes to kids.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/14099/-/14109#14109 0 在地质时期,板块边界的形状发生了多少变化? 查克 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/12886 2018 - 05 - 11 - t16:37:28z 2018 - 05 - 11 - t16:37:28z 地核的不均匀加热和冷却导致板块向各个方向移动。这与太阳改变我们天气的方式没有什么不同。然而,人们必须在三维空间中思考,以确定什么影响什么——毕竟所有事物都是相互联系并不断移动的。例如,房主的屋顶漏水。所以他一直在更换漏水处正上方的瓦片,但还是漏水。承包商不得不更换整个屋顶,并确定泄漏实际上在25英尺之外