硝酸是需要一个长时间从表面渗透到地下水里吗?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 07 - t16:57:51z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/14247 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/14247 4 硝酸是需要一个长时间从表面渗透到地下水里吗? 集市 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/117 2018 - 05 - 23 - t14:03:34z 2018 - 05 - 24 - t02:11:55z < p >和一个农民,在最近的一次讨论的(至少在德国西北部)“流行”的话题硝酸渗透到地下水。的总体观点是,许多领域获得更多比植物可以使用硝酸盐肥料,然后向地下渗透,最终出现在地下水,也用作饮用水。到目前为止,似是而非的。提出了地下水硝酸盐含量确实经常观察到。< / p > < p >应该补充说,在这方面,很多农业是提高猪和牛,因此大部分肥料肥料(相对于商业肥料)的氮磷钾含量低,因此不值得运输在远的距离。有一个激励的独自处理领域,附近。< / p >

Now, this farmer claimed that the nitrate content we see now is decades old, that the bylaws and controls as well as agricultural practices in place now work. Is this true? Does nitrate penetrate ground so slowly? The only mechanism here I could think of that nitrate is adsorbed and desorbed on minerals in the ground, sort of like in chromotography column.

If neccessary, I can provide more figures for nitrate content of specific wells, groundwater table etc - but I don't think it's neccessary since I want a qualitative answer wether or not such a slow infiltration is plausible at all.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/14247/-/14252 # 14252 3 硝酸火山灰的回答是否需要一个特定的长时间从表面渗透到地下水里吗? //www.hoelymoley.com/users/10735 2018 - 05 - 23 - t15:11:28z 2018 - 05 - 23 - t15:11:28z < p >我知道在新西兰我们有一些土壤硝酸你不能提高奶牛,因为尿液中带太多营养太快,到一个可以告诉牛几周前撒尿,因为这片草是同时死于几个不同的缺陷。无疑,我的理解是,奶牛< em >的< / em >最差的农场动物,因为他们站着不动当空洞和转储15升的一次调高硝酸盐废水,所有有效的向下穿过土壤列抢劫它的营养。另一方面也有一些土壤,通常更多的干旱地区,通过土壤硝酸盐迁移不对列,而是集中在地下可见,白色的,咸的,地平线。< / p > < p >一般越长越土壤湿度水溶性化合物硝酸喜欢将工作分解成地上水在给定输入。还有一些化学的相互作用,将结合硝酸和慢下来比你可能认为我们需要研究它们在土壤肥力的论文,但我现在不能认为他们是对的。< / p > < p >但要回答你的问题,通常土壤可溶性离子(硝酸)天的时间尺度上,几周或者几个月,而不是几十年。我们不需要应用硝酸缓释化肥每年至少如果没有迁移到表层土壤相对迅速。< / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/14247/-/14261 # 14261 3 硝酸haresfur回答的是否需要一个特定的长时间从表面渗透到地下水里吗? haresfur //www.hoelymoley.com/users/1242 2018 - 05 - 24 - t02:11:55z 2018 - 05 - 24 - t02:11:55z < p >硝酸是一种阴离子,从而往往是缺乏土壤吸附,从而被约充电率的水。因此,根区下的交通在很大程度上取决于降水和蒸散量的数量在根区。< / p >

The situation with fertilizer and urine is much more complicated, however, because there are multiple nitrogen species and transformations that occur in the nitrogen cycle. Nitrogen fertilizer may be applied in a number of forms including urea, ammonia, nitrate, or mixtures of these. Urea is commonly used in my area, anyway, because of its low cost.

Urea is converted to ammonium in the soil. Urea and ammonium are cations and strongly sorbed to soil particles. Ammonium can be volatilized and lost as gaseous ammonia but is also transformed to nitrate by nitrification.

Nitrate is the main form of nitrogen that is assimilated by plants. It can also be transformed to nitrogen gas by denitrifying bactera. Some plants such as pulses (e.g. peas and beans) have a symbiotic relationship with bacteria in their root nodules that fix nitrogen in soil gas to ammonium, which is then used converted to nitrate by nitrification and used by the plants. Nitrogen is also released to soil by decomposing plant matter.

Nitrogen cycle

There are other nitrogen species, but they tend to be transient products along the chain of reactions described above.

So the farmer is partially correct, much of the nitrogen in the soil is in a form that is not readily available for uptake by plants or by leaching to groundwater. But is incorrect to say that current impacts are only due to old nitrogen and that the problem has been solved. As long as nitrogen is being added in one of the various forms, the transformations are ongoing, nitrate is being produced, and this nitrate has the potential to pollute groundwater. Note, also that ammonium and nitrate can be transported through surface water, either sorbed to sediments or dissolved, which can be an even bigger pollution issue.

Here is a link to a video on nitrogen transformations in agricultural soils and to notes on the video, for those that prefer to read.
