的吸收线的扩展文本\{有限公司}_2美元与温度在气候变化中发挥作用?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 10 - t09:11:22z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/14348 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/14348 5 的吸收线的扩展文本\{有限公司}_2美元与温度在气候变化中发挥作用? thephysics17 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/13970 2018 - 06 - 02 - t21:06:25z 2019 - 03 - 03 - t03:20:08z < p >我读过的吸收线不久前,< span class = " math-container " > ${有限公司}_2 \文本$ < / span >变大与温度由于多普勒效应(如果是假,那将是伟大的告诉我)。我的问题是:这意味着,就像我认为,更多的能源是地球上“存储”(由于温室效应)和在气候变化中发挥作用呢?< / p > < p >如果答案是肯定的,这个角色有多大?< / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/14348/does-the-extension-of-the-absorption-line-of-textco-2-with-temperature-play/16384 # 16384 2 答案由Camilo Rada的吸收线的延伸{有限公司}_2 \文本与美元温度在气候变化中发挥作用? 卡米洛·Rada //www.hoelymoley.com/users/11908 2019 - 03 - 03 - t03:18:37z 2019 - 03 - 03 - t03:18:37z < p >。不是一个重要的方式。< / p >

The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of a spectral line widened by thermal Doppler broadening is

$\Delta f_{\text{FWHM}}={\sqrt{\frac{8kT\ln(2)}{mc^{2}}}}f_{0}$

where $m$ is the mass of the emitting particle, $T$ is the temperature, $f_{0}$ is the frequency of the spectral line, and $k$ is the Boltzmann constant.

Let's look at the CO$_2$ absorption lines:

enter image description here

(Image from Wikipedia commons, source)

Let's take for example the band roughly between 12 and 20 $\mu m$. That corresponds to frequencies from 15 to 25 THz, with a mean of 20 THz.

If we solve the above equation for the mass of a CO$_2$ molecule ($44.01/6.02\times 10^{23}$ g), a frequency of 20 THz and an Earth's mean temperature of let's say 15°C (288.15 K) we get 1158 kHz broadening, and for an scenario 2°C warmer it would be 1162 kHz.

Therefore, the width of the absorption band would grow 8 kHz (4 kHz on either side). Which considering the original width of 10 THz corresponds to a 0.00008% increase. This could be roughly equated to an analogous increase in absorbed energy, which is absolutely negligible for all practical effects.
