< p >温室效应,热容的问题不是问题。例如,二氧化碳有< a href = " http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i = % 20热能力% 20 % 20碳% 20二氧化碳nofollow noreferrer“rel = >比热容的0.843 g J $ ^ {1} $ K $ ^ {1} $ < / > \ ce{甲烷}美元时,大气的最大组成部分,有一个< a href = " http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i = % 20热能力% 20的% 20双氮nofollow noreferrer“rel = >比热容的1.039 g J $ ^ {1} $ K $ ^{1} $ < / >和水蒸气,最常见的温室气体在地球上,有一个< a href = " http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i = % 20热能力% 20 % 20水% 20蒸汽nofollow noreferrer“rel = >比热容的1.865 g J $ ^ {1} $ K $ ^ {1} $ < / >。因此,全球变暖并不一定热力学问题,关于热容(尽管它是在一个方面,熵的问题)。< / p > < p >有些气体是温室气体的原因更多的是一种辐射传输问题比一个热力学问题,但是这两个叠加关于分子结构。< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_absorption_by_water " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >水蒸气的吸收光谱< / >显示它吸收红外辐射。< a href = " https://www.google.com/search?q=radiation%20absorption%20carbon%20dioxide& rlz = 1 c1ggrv_enus778us778&源= lnms& tbm = isch& sa = X& ved = 0 ahukewjcx_pmxk7cahvpun8khwwhakuq_auicygc&车身= 1920,波黑= 947 # imgrc = oJSWW8Hq-bIPlM:“rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >这个图形< / >展示了多少辐射的吸收波长不同的气体。< / p > < p >你可能会问“这是很好,但是为什么有些气体吸收光谱的某些部分?”Well, that is a bit more complicated, and is dependent on the molecular structure, quantum mechanics, and spectroscopy. To answer your hypothetical questions directly:
Has the earth’s atmosphere reached an equilibrium at which the input radiation energy roughly equals its output, or is the output significantly lower than the input because the energy is being used to heat up stuff?
In a ways, yes, that is a fundamental assumption, per Kirchoff's law.
if the atmosphere’s composition remains exactly the same as it is now, will the atmosphere continue getting warmer, or will the temperature remain as it is now?
There would be a lag before major changes are seen, per Fourier's law. But since water vapor is a greenhouse gas, we would do best not to deus ex machina all greenhouse gases away. Additionally, we need greenhouse gases for survival- too little and we all freeze.
Has the earth’s atmosphere reached an equilibrium at which the input radiation energy roughly equals its output, or is the output significantly lower than the input because the energy is being used to heat up stuff?
Well, we are almost always at some sort of radiative equalibrium, per Kirchoff's law. For example, the hotter an object becomes, the faster it will cool, per Stefan-Boltzmann Law.