为什么有些地震和火山发生在板块?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换
最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 04 - 09 - t21:47:57z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/14854 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/14854 9 为什么有些地震和火山发生在板块?
user1 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/13565 2018 - 08 - 11 - t17:55:46z 2021 - 09 - 22 - t12:13:04z < p >我知道火山和地震发生在板块的利润。但是,其中一些还发生在盘子吗?< / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/14854/-/14855 # 14855 13 由弗雷德回答为什么有些地震和火山发生在板块?
弗雷德 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/2470 2018 - 08 - 11 - t19:20:55z 2021 - 09 - 22 - t12:13:04z < p >的地壳板块不均匀,均匀连续岩体与统一的压力。他们是一个混合的岩石类型变量应力和应力集中。他们也不连续。< / p >

There are fault zones within plates. Some faults are active & others inactive. When movement occurs along an active fault, usually due to in-plate localized stresses, an in-plate earthquake will occur.

Concerning in-plate volcanoes. These are due to geological hotspots. These are,

thought to be fed by underlying mantle that is anomalously hot compared with the surrounding mantle.[citation needed] Their position on the Earth's surface is independent of tectonic plate boundaries. There are two hypotheses that attempt to explain their origins. One suggests that hotspots are due to mantle plumes that rise as thermal diapirs from the core–mantle boundary. The other hypothesis is that lithospheric extension permits the passive rising of melt from shallow depths.

Edit 22 September 2021

Following a 5.8 magnitude earthquake in southeastern Australia this description from a seismologist from Geoscience Australia is a good example of how intraplate earthquakes occur.

"Imagine if you will, that a tectonic plate is analogous to a pavlova — with a thin brittle crust lying above a ductile, but mostly solid meringue mantle,"


"The Australian continent would sit in the middle of our pavlova."

If you put your hands on the edge of the pavlova and start to squeeze, the crust around your hands will be the first to break, like those earthquakes at the boundaries of tectonic plates.

But if you continue to squeeze, eventually strain builds up in the centre of the crust, and cracks will begin to appear.

This is similar to how we get earthquakes in Australia.

"The same forces that drive earthquakes on tectonic plate boundaries are at play — they just take a lot longer to manifest in the middle of our pavlova,

Australia is actually rocked by an earthquake about once per day, but the more damaging quakes — above magnitude-5 — are only typically seen about twice a year.

But Dr Allen says it's extremely unlikely Australia would ever experience a magnitude-8 or 9 earthquake.

That's because the forces necessary only occur at the plate boundaries, where plates can lock together and break apart with tremendous force.

"We don't have faults that are large enough or active enough to have these really big earthquakes we see on the plate boundaries," Dr Allen says.

"In general, the rates of earthquakes we see here in Australia and in other stable tectonic regions are roughly about a hundred times less than that of areas on plate boundaries."

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/14854/-/18297 # 18297 2 回答的让-玛丽•Prival为什么有些地震和火山发生在板块?
让-玛丽•Prival //www.hoelymoley.com/users/18081 2019 - 10 - 25 - t14:18:04z 2019 - 10 - 25 - t14:18:04z < p >内部火山活动发生在板发生断裂。但是你不一定需要一个热点(或者说地幔柱)引发断裂过程。有两种类型的断裂:< / p > < ul > <李> <强>主动裂谷< / >强,这意味着在岩石圈地幔柱的崛起。这个收益率岩石圈的膨胀,那么它的扩展。在这样的系统中,火山活动通常发生的早期,而沉降发生在稍后的阶段。例子:东非裂谷。李李< / > < > <强> < / >强被动裂谷。在此系统中,扩展的岩石圈触发只有在板块边界的压力。这个扩展允许软流层被动升值。在这种情况下的沉积盆地火山活动之前发生。 Example: the Rio Grande rift.

Note that nature does not comply with these idealized models! In French Massif Central, there is evidence for a two-stage rifting, first passive then active. Merle and Michon (2001) proposed a model where the formation of the Alps lithospheric root induces an asthenospheric flow, leading to this two-stage rifting with no proper mantle plume involved.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/14854/-/18688 # 18688 1 由j . Kaciulis回答为什么有些地震和火山发生在板块?
j . Kaciulis //www.hoelymoley.com/users/18476 2019 - 12 - 13 - t22:39:43z 2019 - 12 - 13 - t22:39:43z < p >在加拿大南部有大量的沉积岩,均衡隆起是正常的在第四纪冰期时代已经创建了一个情境,他们有下推沉积物,想提升备份,如果有机会和圣劳伦斯河断层为例,他们获得机会,释放一些压力和随后的地震随之而来。安大略省南部非常接近北美板块的中间。< / p >