< p >这个问题有点幼稚。< / p > < p >首先你想要什么类型的矿石,铁矿石、金、锡、镍、铜、silver-lead-zinc,锂,……的区别等。同时,一个矿床矿床和经济学——利润可以由挖掘它,处理它,把它变成一个畅销的商品:金条,铜锭或工作表,集中的某些金属硫化物。< / p > < p >另一件事是,如果你发现了什么东西,你打算用它做什么。在澳大利亚有法律法规关于可以和不能做什么关于矿产资源。这在一定程度上是由于政府希望削减通过版税,所以环境应该是照顾和邻居不受影响——人们居住在城镇等。国家不想浪费钱清理某人的环境破坏!< / p > < p >另一件事是,发生在某些类型的矿床地质设置。不太可能,你会发现黄金或铁矿石在悉尼,但你会发现煤。地质知识是可以找到大多数矿床的关键。此外,大多数表面存款已被开采或认为不划算。找到有价值的东西很可能是由岩石风化层的厚度。< / p > < p >另一件事是,如果你碰巧发现,它可能是挂钩的勘探或采矿公司。 Removing anything from such leases is an unlawful act and if you are found you could face legal action. However, you may have limited rights to explore for some things provided you have a Prospector's Permit for the state or territory where you want to search. All minerals in Australia are owned by the Crown (effectively the State or Territory), you can't go grabbing stuff just because you want to. If you own property in Australia, you only have rights to the top 100 metres. A mining company can legally mine under you house if the mine is greater than 100 metres in depth and the company has the necessary leases, permits and authorities from the State or Territory government authorities.