截至上午520,我们在国家气象局拉克罗斯办公室正式达到零下30度。风寒度是零下54度。如果你要出门,一定要穿着得体。< / p >
The photo shown below shows a digital readout of an electronic thermometer, showing -30.1 but has no units. The -30's are getting close to where the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales tend to have similar numerical values, so there's no way to use context in this case to choose the most likely answer. No units are shown on the front panel, and these instructions offer no help either.
,如果你点击这个URL - Max/MinT
是白天或夜间的最高温度,单位为华氏度。< / p > < /引用> < p >在美国NWS总是问题预测和公告在华氏温度和背景可以从这里获得一些< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_customary_units " rel = " noreferrer " >美国常用单位这里< / >和< a href = " https://www.vox.com/2015/2/16/8031177/america-fahrenheit " rel = " noreferrer " >为什么美国人仍然使用华氏< / >,< a href = " https://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-glossary/fahrenheit-versus-celsius-why/17969960 "rel="noreferrer">华氏度与摄氏度:为什么美国没有转换
在现实中,NWS和NCDC天气预报模型为不同的系统输出(GFS, NAM,NARR…)使用开尔文温度。这满足了国际标准(例如,符合CF1.6公约),也避免了平流字段(在这种情况下)在某些位置等于零的问题。 You can see this if you look at the model output directly (for instance, here or here). Afterward, in post-processing the temperature is transformed to either Celsius or more commonly Fahrenheit for public consumption.
Scientists and meteorological researchers are more used to Kelvin and/or degrees Celsius.