This question refers to a thickness of $\pu{1.8m}$ for the section where iridium could be detected in the K-T boundary, suggesting that the resolution may be too low to note the effects of acid rain following the collision.
Is there evidence in the geological record of the formation of these acid species thought to be associated with the collision, say from deposits and/or effects of the ensuing acid rain?
估计硫释放 325亿吨= 32.5万兆克。这个图中的数字是teragrams
所以释放是$\约1000\times $今天的年度硫磺周期。我认为大多数含硫化合物会被冲进海洋,然后沉积成沉积物。我找不到目前海洋中有多少硫,这篇文章说十亿吨(因为你能闻到它)。我也不知道增加的硫沉积的速度有多快。< / p >
Another issue is that, unlike iridium, there is normally a lot of sulfur in marine deposits, so it is hard to distinguish what comes from Chicxulub.