< p >年度我们排放的二氧化碳量使用碳在相对长期封存(煤、天然气、石油)的40 GT。从另一个角度看:人类食用的食物量在同一时间是4 GT。二氧化碳生产一个数量级比全球食品消费。问题是需要风化删除它从大气中——这意味着它可以保持存在了几千年,我们很肯定的提取从地上。< / p > < p >水只停留在大气中,只要温度允许。这意味着它不会的驱动因素。有轻微的积极反馈更多的水导致变暖所以它可以容纳更多的水,但也有一个负面的反馈差不多大小的云形成阳光反射回太空。< / p > < p >上层大气中的臭氧在平流层顶负责变暖。为什么我们与对流层大气分为层得到冷却器与高度,平流层变暖增加高度,和中间层冷却器与高度。臭氧吸收的太阳辐射能量,否则皮肤破坏DNA并导致癌症,但它是一个三原子分子,也很善于吸收长波辐射。在这种情况下,一个洞在南极上空的臭氧层可能会允许更长波辐射逃避和修复这个洞以便我们人类生存也可以捕捉额外的热量。< a href = " https://climate.nasa.gov/faq/15/is-the-ozone-hole-causing-climate-change/ " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > https://climate.nasa.gov/faq/15/is-the-ozone-hole-causing-climate-change/ < / > < / p > < p >甲烷在大气中停留十年之前的化学反应与氧气分子成为二氧化碳和水,虽然它是礼物,效果比二氧化碳约两个数量级。但由于甲烷水合物稳定,他们不是有罪的变暖。虽然有大量在苔原和海洋的货架上,有小点的说的因素除了恐吓战术。 This page https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/overview-greenhouse-gases discusses the relative sizes emitted, but temper this with the measurements of these gases. CH4 us currently less than 2 ppmv and CO2 is over 400 ppmv, making it easily the biggest factor in our warming, and in fact, the warming from CO2 is what's causing the tundra to melt and the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (the largest on the planet) to warm and release its methane.
This is why we concentrate on CO2 (it being the largest factor and also the only one we seem to have much control over).
Hopefully this puts it into perspective, and you can do your yandex.com searches for more details.