你可以使用一些东西,如OpenDx,来比较海洋建模结果,尽管我仍然认为一个快速的python脚本会为了正确格式化所有数据类型。< / p >
Over the years, I've found Ferret to be reliable with CF compliant files (and non-compliant ones, for that matter) and useful for interactive quick looks and simple manipulations. It understands, for example, the CF-recommended UDUNITS time format and will automatically apply scale_factor
and add_offset
attributes to variables. It's certainly quicker to get something on screen than the Python/R/Matlab route that I usually take for presentation and publication quality plots.
If you're after a more GUI-like viewer, then I've heard good things about Panoply, although I must admit I've never used it myself.
为了快速直观比较,我将使用Cube Browser或ncview结合命令行工具,如气候数据操作员。快速制作好看的图形(和动画)Panoply真的很好。为了进一步分析或特殊图形,继续遵循您的方法和脚本,如MATLAB, Python(例如,虹膜), IDL, R,ncl或你周围的人正在使用的任何东西
I second ncview用于快速查看NetCDF文件。< / p >
I would also recommend trying Unidata's Integrated Data Viewer (IDV). It is great for overlaying geophysical fields in 3-D from different sources. Besides NetCDF, it supports many other formats. It also comes with a pre-loaded listing of various observational and model data repositories through THREDDS and OpenDAP. IDV also lets you to define functions and operations between fields on different grids or projections. Note that IDV is not good for serious analysis in my opinion, but is more suitable for exploring datasets visually.
nc = ncgeodataset('http://thredds.jpl.nasa.gov/thredds/dodsC/ncml_aggregation/OceanTemperature/ghrsst/aggregate__ghrsst_JPL_OUROCEAN-L4UHfnd-GLOB-G1SST_OI.ncml');Gvar = nc.geovariable('analysed_sst');s.time ={“20 - 2012年5月——”,“24 - 2012年5月——”};s.lat = 41.5 [40];s.lon = 2.0 [0];Sub = gvar. geo子集(s);%子集方法pcolor(sub.grid.lon,sub.grid.lat,double(squeeze(sub.data(1,:,:)))-273.15);< /代码> < / >之前