如果植树是无效的应对气候变化,人们为什么植物吗?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换
最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 11 - t10:03:16z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/17990 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/17990 2 如果植树是无效的应对气候变化,人们为什么植物吗?
Tanishq库马尔 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/17869 2019 - 09 - 15 - t00:24:21z 2022 - 07 - 25 - t15:34:59z < p >我读答案大纲如何大片(大陆)如果我们造林的土地,它没有任何应对气候变化的方法。虽然将隔离<跨类= " math-container " > \ \小美元mathsf{二氧化碳}< / span >美元大约一个世纪之前(而增长)种植后达到平衡,种植大量的树木也会充分降低反射率的土地种植,将在更多的热量比它取代的土地(可能是沙漠或贫瘠的土地)。这意味着,所有的东西,这将使一个可以忽略不计,如果没有负面影响,应对全球变暖。< / p > < p >如果是这样的话,我们为什么要把“植树”是一件好事,在个体种植树木的规模?是因为一般来说,这些树改善生态系统生命力/多样性,或一些类似的原因与气候无关吗?< / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/17990/-/17992 # 17992 1 回答由Michael Walsby如果植树是无效的应对气候变化,人们为什么植物吗?
迈克尔Walsby //www.hoelymoley.com/users/17166 2019 - 09 - 15 - t07:37:22z 2019 - 09 - 15 - t07:37:22z < p >植树是一件好事只要是正确完成。在英国我们有一些宝贵的栖息地,如灌木丛,peatbog和湿地,植树生态破坏。例如如果你设法把一个小的树站在一个地区的湿地,这将鼓励鹰派和种的缺点湿地野生动物居住,并与石南和一些peatbog是一样的。我怀疑是否有可能种植足够的树木对二氧化碳问题产生重大影响,但他们会有些影响如果只有很小,和在正确的位置可以是一个野生动物的资产。< / p >

It would be impossible to grow trees in most true deserts, but in the Namib and Atacama there are places where sea mists roll in from the sea and condense on any object which protrudes from the sand. Maybe it's possible there. The most promising place for tree planting is in restoring the S.American rainforest, where there could be a huge environmental benefit. It could be financed with foreign aid money which wold go direct to impoverished rural communities, thus killing several birds with one stone.

There is a scheme underway in Britain to encourage the spread of sea grass meadows, which are important to the marine environment and apparently are more efficient at sequestering carbon than most things you can grow on land. Again the contribution will be small, but better than nothing. Sea grass is a true grass, but somehow manages to grow completely submerged in shallow salt water. Few people are aware of its existence. Restoring mangroves, which are basically small trees able to grow in tropical estuarine waters, is another area of environmental improvement which would also assist in the battle against CO2.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/17990/-/18222 # 18222 5 blacksmith37回答的如果植树是无效的应对气候变化,人们为什么植物吗?
blacksmith37 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/8409 2019 - 10 - 15 - t16:26:20z 2019 - 10 - 29 - t12:44:10z < p >木材、阴影、坚果、水果、动物栖息地、花卉、园林绿化、水土流失控制、电力分配两极,糖浆、香料、咖啡、和其他不相关的全球变暖。< / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/17990/-/18230 # 18230 4 haresfur回答的如果植树是无效的应对气候变化,人们为什么植物吗?
haresfur //www.hoelymoley.com/users/1242 2019 - 10 - 15 - t22:39:34z 2019 - 10 - 15 - t22:39:34z < p >植树在碳封存有短期效益但不会抵消碳从化石燃料的燃烧。然而,在一些地方的树木提供增加土壤碳的一个好处,可以有一个更持久的效果。因此,一个好处是增加所需的时间来实现替代化石燃料。树木可以增加冷却通过蒸散大于草地,在某些气候区。然而,这可能影响水资源。不回收木材和纸制品将碳从自然系统,虽然影响很小。< / p >

Burning wood instead of fossil fuels has a positive impact on the carbon budget where the carbon is recycled back into tree plantations.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/17990/-/18258 # 18258 1 回答大卫·加西亚Bodego如果植树是无效的应对气候变化,人们为什么植物吗?
大卫·加西亚Bodego //www.hoelymoley.com/users/18035 2019 - 10 - 19 - t12:19:58z 2020 - 01 - 14 t03:40:19z < p >看看< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_cycle " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / >碳循环。< / p > < p >大气中有大约700 Gt的碳,大部分公司<子> 2 < /订阅>。活着的生物(植物+动物)保持600 Gt和死者生物量是1000 Gt。< / p > < p >所以生物质是非常有效的为了解决有限公司<子> 2 < /订阅>是固定在2方面:光合作用(吸收有限公司2 <子> < /订阅>和发射2 O <子> < /订阅>),生物死后,那么它是固定在地上。< / p > < p >砍伐森林时,你是把生物质需要一些直接CO 2 <子> < /订阅>,你是暴露或删除碳固定在地上。< / p >

Really, they are not the main actors on the picture: Oceans (38,400 Gt, lithosphere carbonates 60,000,000 Gt, lithosphere kerogen 15,000,000 Gt) but their cycles takes 100 years on the fastest one and hundreds of million years on the slower. But the fastest one is the biomass, and the most effective one is the tree. (Check Kiri tree)

Take a look

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/17990/-/18951 # 18951 3 mirekphd回答的如果植树是无效的应对气候变化,人们为什么植物吗?
mirekphd //www.hoelymoley.com/users/18694 2020 - 01 - 12 t14:43:02z 2020 - 01 - 12 t14:43:02z < p >因为第一个几十年是至关重要的,所以我们实际购买时间直到我们管理从化石燃料转向清洁能源。< / p > < p >我听见称为倒计时的播客宣布特德的倡议,他们种植一万亿棵树作为解决方案。公司的Flash森林被建立在Kickstarter的100 k与无人机种植十亿棵树。< / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/17990/-/24079 # 24079 0 肯费边的回答如果植树是无效的应对气候变化,人们为什么植物吗?
肯费边 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/18145 2022 - 07 - 25 - t07:49:15z 2022 - 07 - 25 - t07:56:45z < p >有< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_offset " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / >碳抵消计划被一些国家,支付植树(或者在某些情况下支付不砍伐树木)的实际减排。< / p >

The politics around these can get murky with respect to motivations ("why") but include both sincere efforts to make these work as one element of an emissions reduction policy - usually as a kind of stopgap action to give time for new investments in low emissions energy to flow through - as well as insincere efforts, to appear pro-active whilst not requiring substantive change to emitting industries. Or even to cash in on emissions reduction funding and/or funnel it inappropriately as political favors.

Because the climate issue had initially been widely framed as environmental and fringe rather than economic and mainstream it had been seen widely as driven by environmentalists who have long opposed land clearing and promoted re-forestation. Some of these schemes appear to have been developed by environmentalists and some to appease Environmentalists (and an increasing concerned public) who promote tree planting as a simple and environmentally beneficial act irrespective of climate change.

The climate problem has increasingly become seen as economic and mainstream over time and the effectiveness of reforestation as Carbon Offsets faces ongoing scrutiny, including by "green" political parties and others concerned with "greenwashing" (the contrived appearance of supporting emissions reductions goals whilst avoiding emissions reductions.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/17990/-/24085 # 24085 0 FluidCode回答的如果植树是无效的应对气候变化,人们为什么植物吗?
FluidCode //www.hoelymoley.com/users/18774 2022 - 07 - 25 - t14:29:15z 2022 - 07 - 25 - t15:34:59z < p >树不陷阱只有二氧化碳,他们陷阱水和水蒸气是气候变化的主要因素。在任何情况下研究你引用的是纯粹的理论,因为当前的现有的和新种植的树木增长不足以抵消我们砍伐树木的数量。< / p > < p >其他点:< / p > < ul > <李>你引用的研究没有考虑雨森林地区对周期的影响。李李< / > < >你引用的研究假设所有沙漠地区是由高度反光的石英砂。但即使是在撒哈拉沙漠你可以找到< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hbyamada " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >黑岩石< / >风景陷阱很多热量。< /李> < / ul >