公司₂水平足够高,降低认知能力。这不是一个理由担心吗?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从 2023 - 07 - 08 - t21:15:55z // // 40 公司₂水平足够高,降低认知能力。这不是一个理由担心吗? Volker西格尔 // 2019 - 11 - 05 - t21:31:09z 2020 - 02 - 12 - t16:32:09z < p >我觉得空气中二氧化碳的水平足够高,以减少人类的智慧。这与气候变化无关。< / p > < p >这都意味着我们应该减少CO₂除外。< / p >

I never heard of that, surprisingly, but deducted that from simple known facts. I hope I'm missing something.

Maybe my idea is just wrong? It's simple enough to explain here:

Elevated CO₂ levels in office air reduce the cognitive ability of office workers, that is well established.
That is measurable by experiment. Complaints about drowsiness start at about 1000 ppm CO₂ in air.
Reduction in cognitive ability does happen with drowsiness, almost by definition.

The level of CO₂ is currently a significant fraction of 1000 ppm, about 409 ppm as of November 2019.

The CO₂ level in a typical western indoor working environment raises by multiple 100 ppm over the day, exhaled by people breathing in the working environment.

With an increasing base level, an increasing level in workplace air reaches a fixed threshold sooner, because CO₂ levels are additive.

The base level does increase. Therefore a level of CO₂ that reduce the cognitive ability of humans is reached earlier in a working day.

If the base level is higher, base level plus the additional CO₂ in office air reach a level that reduces cognitive ability sooner during a work day.

This happens globally in many workplaces.

That is true for any values of base concentration, threshold concentration and maximum of increase during a day that are of the same order of magnitude. This estimation is optimistic, because it assumes that the effect has a sudden onset at a level that causes obvious symptoms.

To summarize the central points: Some CO₂ concentration exists that has negative effects. An offset in base air concentration results in an offset in the workplace concentration. That means the detrimental concentration is reached more often. For this to be true, the exact numbers are not even relevant.

Ok, what's wrong with that deduction?
I really hope there is something wrong.

If this is a reason to care about the level of carbon dioxide in common air, it is completely independent of climate change, an alternative motivation to do exactly the same thing. That seems very relevant to me.

co2 levels

// # 18391 2 答案由Michael Walsby CO₂水平足够高,降低认知能力。这不是一个理由担心吗? 迈克尔Walsby // 2019 - 11 - 05 - t22:42:39z 2020 - 01 - 04 - t19:10:31z < p >你是危言耸听。< span class = " math-container " > \ \小美元mathsf{二氧化碳}$ < / span >水平相差很大,从一处到另一处,但如你所知,平均水平超过400 ppm。你有一个更高的水平比自己的肺在这个时刻,所以太低导致心理问题。长大的地方< span class = " math-container”> \ \小美元mathsf{二氧化碳}$ < / span >水平自古以来就存在,但很少是足够高产生的认知不足你说话。如果提高< span class = " math-container " > \ \小美元mathsf{二氧化碳}$ < / span >水平明显降低员工的效率,雇主将很快发现管道新鲜空气的一种方式。也许打开窗户就足够了。< / p > < p >一氧化碳(CO)的危险远远超过美元< span class = " math-container " > \小\ mathsf{二氧化碳}$ < / span >,因为它切断了供应氧气到大脑,并在世界范围内,每年成千上万的人死于一氧化碳中毒。它来自同一来源生产< span class = " math-container " > \ \小美元mathsf{二氧化碳}< / span >美元,但是,燃烧效率<跨类= " math-container " > $ \小\ mathsf{二氧化碳}$ < / span >与一氧化碳混合。< span class = " math-container " > \ \小美元mathsf{二氧化碳}$ < / span >可以成为危险当水平增加3%左右,但这很少发生。人类可以容忍水平远高于400 ppm没有不良影响。

// # 18392 40 回答肯费边的公司₂水平足够高,降低认知能力。这不是一个理由担心吗? 肯费边 // 2019 - 11 - 06 - t00:15:32z 2020 - 01 - 04 - t19:06:06z < p > < em >看起来合法的原因进一步研究< / em >,最好是由科学家呼吸空气在950 ppm <跨类= " math-container " > \ \小美元mathsf{二氧化碳}$ < / span > (< a href = " " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >本研究< / >显示在这个水平的认知能力下降15%)。< / p > < p >,因为它不知道什么是机制参与这个认知能力下降还不清楚如果有阈值水平,与一步影响或者影响的变化是线性的,但低于950 ppm是表示和微妙的变化影响可能以低得多的水平,有一个领先的专家(< a href = " " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >维维安Loftness < / >)在健康、生产力,和建筑环境的质量提出大气水平超过600 ppm将关注认知影响的原因。为人们认知能力差的潜在影响的< span class = " math-container " > \ \小美元mathsf{二氧化碳}$ < / span >水平尚不清楚,但可能是重要的——这与影响更广泛范围内的水平可能< span class = " math-container " > \ \小美元mathsf{二氧化碳}$ < / span >浓度人们现在生活可以户外活动需要更多的研究。< / p > < p >反应原理在短期内改善空气质量在建筑,与提高大气类< span = " math-container " > \ \小美元mathsf{二氧化碳}$ < / span >水平最重要的关于利率< span class = " math-container " > \ \小美元mathsf{二氧化碳}< /跨度>积累美元,所需的空气置换通风系统。有充分的理由作出行动,减少排放,<跨类= " math-container " > \小\ mathsf{二氧化碳}$ < / span >大气中崛起,但更好地理解< em > < / em >的潜在后果是值得的。< / p > // # 18399 2 答案由路易斯·舒克公司₂水平足够高,降低认知能力。这不是一个理由担心吗? 路易斯·舒克 // 2019 - 11 - 06 - t16:26:08z 2020 - 01 - 04 - t19:08:41z < p >即使你的担忧是有趣的“事实”你bourght似乎surprinsing我。通风和敞开的窗户,奇怪的我看来,< span class = " math-container " > \ \小美元mathsf{二氧化碳}$ < / span >水平增加,但是,我不是专家……所以我检查。< / p >

After a bit of research I found this article which talk about the 15% drop in cognitive function in office with 1000 ppm (which Michael Walsby bourght up in his answer) and a link to the study from where those data are from.

I went straight at the conclusion of said article and from what I read, it seems to be more about an increase in test score based on environment quality (mostly air quality and mold from what I read) and this make a big difference.

The result could be because of an alarming $\small\mathsf{CO_2}$ level that is corrected with a ventilation improvement, or it could just be because the air is easier to breath so student are less stressed out. From what I see, the study only talk about a link between environment quality and performances at different tests. It does not conclude anything about $\small\mathsf{CO_2}$ level, which means that the article which was talking about the 15% decrease in cognitive ability probably over-interpreted the article.

I haven't done more research but I think your concern is probably a wrong interpretation of some articles doing a wrong interpretation of studies that are too fiew to draw a clear conclusion. It's still an interesting topic though but without more studies it's just speculation from what I see.

// # 18407 1 答案为CO₂德米特里•Grigoryev水平足够高,降低认知能力。这不是一个理由担心吗? 德米特里•Grigoryev // 2019 - 11 - 07 - t13:16:52z 2019 - 11 - 08 - t10:20:21z < p >我不怀疑CO 2 <子> < /订阅>有可能影响认知能力和糟糕的空气质量真的会影响很多人。然而,如果我们考虑所有因素影响认知能力在一个典型的办公环境,房间里的大象是噪音< a href = " " > < / >。< / p > < p >所以我相信公司的影响2 <子> < /订阅>认知能力不触及新闻因为它不像其他重要因素,如噪音。才开始成为一个问题一半虽然天如果通风不足,而噪声成为一个问题对于大多数人甚至在他们到达之前工作(噪音<强>持久的< /强>对认知能力的影响),并保持一整天的问题。< / p > // # 18413 8 答案为CO₂DavePhD水平足够高,降低认知能力。这不是一个理由担心吗? DavePhD // 2019 - 11 - 08 - t15:18:18z 2020 - 01 - 04 - t19:07:04z < p >最近的两项研究倾向于与2016年的研究中提到肯费边的回答。< / p >

Acute Exposure to Low-to-Moderate Carbon Dioxide Levels and Submariner Decision Making (June 2018) reports:


Using a subject-blinded balanced design, 36 submarine-qualified sailors were randomly assigned to receive 1 of 3 $\small\mathsf{CO_2}$ exposure conditions (600, 2500, or 15,000 ppm). After a 45-min atmospheric acclimation period, participants completed an 80-min computer-administered SMS test as a measure of decision making.


There were no significant differences for any of the nine SMS measures of decision making between the $\small\mathsf{CO_2}$ exposure conditions.

Effects of acute exposures to carbon dioxide on decision making and cognition in astronaut-like subjects NPJ Microgravity. (June 2019) 5: 17, which shares an author with the 2016 study, finds:

enter image description here

// # 18444 5 答案为CO₂asmaier水平足够高,降低认知能力。这不是一个理由担心吗? asmaier // 2019 - 11 - 12 - t10:07:41z 2020 - 01 - 04 - t19:07:54z < p >美国宇航局最近下调了对美国宇航员在国际空间站的建议从7000 ppm到5300 ppm <跨类= " math-container " > \ \小美元mathsf{二氧化碳}$ < / span > < / p > < blockquote > < p > NASA继续低<跨类= " math-container " > \ \小美元mathsf{二氧化碳}< / span >美元为国际空间站宇航员暴露水平,低于5.3毫米汞柱(7000 ppm)“4毫米汞柱最近(低于5300 ppm)。" < / p > < /引用> < p >看到< a href = " " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / > < / p > < p >新研究低甚至推荐值< / p > < blockquote > < p >法律的论文》是第一本认真研究这个话题,和她的团队的建议是去更低,2.5毫米汞柱。他们发现,“每增加1毫米汞柱在< span class = " math-container " > \ \小美元mathsf{二氧化碳}$ < / span >,船员报告头痛的几率几乎翻了一倍。“他们的推荐水平的2.5毫米,根据本文,“一直头痛的风险低于1%,标准阈值用于毒理学和航空航天医学。" < / p > < /引用> < p > < a href = " " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / > < / p > < p >但这些值仍5 - 10倍的平均价值在大气中。如果研究宇航员是正确的,不应该有理由担心。< / p > // # 18621 1 答案为CO₂RBFOLLETT水平足够高,降低认知能力。这不是一个理由担心吗? RBFOLLETT // 2019 - 12 - 03 - t18:18:52z 2020 - 01 - 04 - t19:09:31z < p > < span class = " math-container”> \ \小美元mathsf{二氧化碳}$ < / span >水平在肺部的人类可以达到高达70000 ppm水平在正常的呼吸而呼吸的浓度通常是40000 ppm。这个数字飙升超过100000 ppm当我们发挥自己或屏住呼吸。甚至表明,额外的200 ppm,甚至1000 ppm的< span class = " math-container " > \ \小美元mathsf{二氧化碳}$ < / span >不可能以某种方式影响着我们。< / p >