气候变化是一个恶性循环?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换
最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 10 - t20:42:11z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/18964 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/18964 37 气候变化是一个恶性循环?
luchonacho //www.hoelymoley.com/users/13541 2020 - 01 - 14 t08:49:42z 2020 - 02年- 15 - t20:03:39z < p > < p >我的问题是指当前气候变化的过程。CO 2 <子> < /订阅>是上升,导致温室效应,提出了温度。这将导致更多的森林大火,这样可以减少树木的数量,增加CO 2 <子> < /订阅>和减少CO 2 <子> < /订阅>吸收能力。冰层开始融化,这可以减少阳光反射(雪),更多的热量被困在大气层。水涨,接管土地和树木,进一步加强公司<子> 2 < /订阅>吸收能力。海洋酸化,降低CO 2 <子> < /订阅>吸收能力。等等。< / p > < p >的过程似乎气候变化是一个“恶性循环”,有很多反馈循环强化的趋势。< / p > < p > < >强这是这样吗?< / >强有抵消的力量去反对这个圆?< / p >

Related questions which imo do not provide an answer to this one: here, here.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/18964/-/18965 # 18965 2 答案由Michael Walsby气候变化是一个恶性循环呢?
迈克尔Walsby //www.hoelymoley.com/users/17166 2020 - 01 - 14 t10:17:04z 2020 - 01 - 14 t10:17:04z < p >是的,你是很正确的,它造成了一种恶性循环,虽然不是像某些人想象的那么恶毒。按照你的建议,有自然的力量改善这种恶性循环的影响。< / p > < p >的林地被这些火灾再生,但这需要一段时间。它不会再生,它的位置通常是由农业,也消耗二氧化碳,但不如树木有效。< / p >

The de-icing of the NW and NE Passages will allow ships to take short cuts to their destinations and thus use less fuel, which lowers CO2 emissions.

The increased CO2 in the atmosphere will allow vegetation, both natural and agricultural, to grow more efficiently by perhaps a few percent. This applies not only in the rainforest, but in the oceans where the majority of photosynthesis takes place (in this context I include all photosynthetic marine organisms, not just vegetation as we normally think of it).

Just as there are more factors which create a vicious circle, so there are more ameliorating factors which lessen it, but not enough to prevent an increase in the vicious circle you speak of in your question.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/18964/-/18966 # 18966 21 半日西蒙回答的是气候变化的一个恶性循环?
半日西蒙 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/39 2020 - 01 - 14 t10:45:25z 2020 - 01 - 14 t10:45:25z < p >你正确识别一系列的个人机制形成“恶性循环”。他们更正式称为“积极的反馈”。正如你提到的,损失的反照率(反射率)从融化的冰就是其中之一。列出的一些其他你更复杂——例如树木会再生,在海洋藻类十分有效地去除二氧化碳,等。< / p > < p >人们的一大担心是,如果一些较大的正反馈机制,如海底甲烷的融化冰冻,那么它将不可能任何人类停止它,即使我们完全停止排放温室气体会推到一个更温暖的气候。< / p > < p >也有负面的反馈机制。例如,一个温暖的气氛可能会有更多的云层,将反射更多的阳光。但是温暖的气氛也可以持有更多的水蒸气,这本身是一种温室气体,这是一个积极的反馈。< / p > < p >气候科学是困难的原因之一是,所有的这些积极的和消极的反馈互动,使地球系统非常复杂。< / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/18964/-/18967 # 18967 42 让-玛丽•Prival回答的是气候变化的一个恶性循环?
让-玛丽•Prival //www.hoelymoley.com/users/18081 2020 - 01 - 14 t11:04:44z 2020 - 01 - 14 t11:04:44z < p >确实有很多积极的反馈机制,即一个温暖的气候导致了气候变暖。从< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change_feedback " rel = " noreferrer " >这维基百科的文章< / >:< / p > < ul > <李> < /李> <李>碳循环反馈云反馈李< / > <李>气体释放李< / > <李>冰反射反馈李< / > < >李水汽反馈李< / > < / ul > < p >然而,也有一些负面的反馈(相同的源):< / p > < ul > <李>黑体辐射碳循环< /李> <李> < /李> <李>递减率李< / > <李>影响人类李< / > < / ul > < p >现在的问题是:什么是净预算之间的积极的和消极的反馈吗?评估,气候学家使用一些指标,主要的是“气候response"瞬态;(TCR)和“气候sensitivity"平衡;(ECS)。从< a href = " https://doi.org/10.1038/ngeo3017 " rel = " noreferrer " > Knutti et al。(2017) < / >: < / p > < blockquote > < p > TCR的定义是全球平均地表变暖的时候翻倍的公司<跨类=“math-container”>“_2 < / span >美元在一个理想化的1%年<跨类= " math-container " > $ ^ {−1} $ < / span >有限公司<跨类=“math-container”>“_2 < / span >美元增加实验,但更普遍的是量化变暖之前应对变化迫使深海被强迫处于平衡状态。基于最先进的气候模型,用仪器记录到气候变暖的响应有限公司<跨类=“math-container”>“_2 < / span >美元和其他人为和自然营力,政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC AR5)第五次评估报告评估瞬态气候响应是可能的(概率在66%)范围内的1°C到2.5°C。< / p > < p >相比之下,平衡气候敏感性(ECS)的定义是气候变暖的响应加倍有限公司<跨类=“math-container”>“_2 < / span >美元在大气中相对于工业化前气候,气候后达到新的平衡,考虑水汽的变化、递减率,云和地表反照率。[…ECS的估计范围没有改变太多,尽管大量的研究工作。IPCC的评估,它是“可能”的范围在1.5°C到4.5°C。< / p >

Which basically means that the climate will get warmer in the future, until it will eventually reach some kind of equilibrium.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/18964/-/18994 # 18994 7 答案由A.H.对于气候变化是一个恶性循环?
A.H.Being //www.hoelymoley.com/users/18745 2020 - 01 - 17 t17:22:57z 2020 - 01 - 18 - t15:38:36z < p >不是二氧化碳(对不起我知道可能是不受欢迎的对大多数听到),这是太阳(主要)。< / p > < p >快速,二氧化碳上升不会引起火灾,树爱二氧化碳,访问一个温室。山火的结果(哔哔声孔)四处点火。查,近200人逮捕了到目前为止在澳大利亚纵火。< / p >

Ocean rise prediction data (focused on Co2) fails to account for increased plant intake due to plant growth explosion. Similarly, population reduction doesn't account for the 12 gallons of water that makes up an average male. Reduce population by 1 million average men, increase water levels by approx 12 million gallons.

The ice was always supposed to melt, it's a byproduct of a catastrophe.

However, the long answer to your point is technically "classified" by the U.S. military and a secret. It was part of my training in the USAF, couldn't do my job unless they told me. What's classified is less the information but more our comprehension of it. Foreign nations know of it, they just don't have the big picture. Once you know, Climate Change is literally a hoax as it's currently being peddled.

This is one entity that monitors the real source of our "Climate Change" NOAA

This site also has some good info; Earth's Electromagnetic Field

My previous source was NORAD, I'm retired now, can't access it so, NOAA is the closest thing I've found publically available. We referred to it as "Geo-Planetary Index", it was/is monitored by the "minute" because it's that critical to success of the military's mission.

I don't know if politicians know the truth but some manufacturers clearly do. One example; ECC_memory

I'm not a fan of using Wiki however, the author of this excerpt from the above link knows what I know; "research has shown that the majority of one-off soft errors in DRAM chips occur as a result of background radiation, chiefly neutrons from cosmic ray secondaries, which may change the contents of one or more memory cells or interfere with the circuitry used to read or write to them.[3] Hence, the error rates increase rapidly with rising altitude; for example, compared to sea level, the rate of neutron flux is 3.5 times higher at 1.5 km and 300 times higher at 10–12 km (the cruising altitude of commercial airplanes).[4] As a result, systems operating at high altitudes require special provision for reliability."

If the public really wants to have an appreciable effect on the temperature, find a way to make the roadways, solar panels white/reflective. Plant more green things...

Edit/Update: Just keep this in mind, Co2 not being the cause isn't my "opinion". It doesn't matter if you have a PhD in "Climate Studies", it doesn't change reality.

More things to consider:

How many colliders are on the planet? (Hint: 40% are underground/classified i.e. don't exist, why?) What alternative things are they used for beyond scientific study? When do they fire them? Where are they geo located, what's unique about their placement? Why are they often fired simultaneously on opposite sides of the globe? Who controls them?

Answers those questions, you'll realize "they" know it's not Co2, and you'll know it too.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/18964/-/19012 # 19012 3 回答y涌的气候变化是恶性循环吗?
y涌 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/3241 2020 - 01 - 18 - t20:09:35z 2020 - 01 - 19 t13:53:15z < p >气候变化无疑像是年代际尺度上的恶性循环。As other answers have pointed out there are numerous positive feedbacks such as:

  1. Warmer atmosphere holding more water vapor (which is a GHG) leading to more clouds
  2. Reduced snow cover reflecting less solar radiation (lower albedo)
  3. Reduced snow and ice cover on land leading to faster release of previously "locked up" methane in permafrost
  4. Warming increases decomposition of organic matter in general ( particularly worrying in previously waterlogged area e.g. peatland)

However, this "vicious cycle" will likely decrease in strength over time, for reasons like blackbody radiation mentioned in the other answer. "Potential" full or partial reversal of the cycle, however, is dependant on biospheric feedbacks (blackbody radiation can only stabilize). Simply put, organisms collectively tend to stabilize environmental variables within certain ranges for homeostasis sake (humans are outliers, unfortunately), especially for bioresources like carbon dioxide and methane. I argue from an evolutionary standpoint, that most biospheric negative feedbacks (which is in essence ecological responses refined through eons of large-scale nutrient imbalance selection experiment) operate on a larger timescale than the aforementioned positive feedbacks because throughout Earth's history, it is unlikely that the Earth has experienced the current fast rate of warming that results in effective selection dynamics (you may argue we had seen that but massive and scarce pulse disaster is an example of ineffective selection that doesn't lead to meaningful adaptation and act more like lottery, whereas continuous and gradual impact is the best form of selection pressure). If there exists a biospheric "negative feedback" mechanism that leads to very fast cooling, in itself it would not be sustainable (just like fast warming) and would be weed out by evolution.

So enough of evolutionary theory, how does an ecological negative feedback work (approximately)?

Carbon dioxide fertilization and warming would favor and select the most efficient primary producers within the community repository (those who can use CO2 for growth and reproduction efficiently would be able to expand in numbers). Globally, in ocean, it would be r-strategists (phytoplanktons) that can grow and reproduce quickly whereas on land it would be trees that have conquered the limitation of height in primary production (I'm talking about in general what would be favored, there would be local variation no doubt). Also, note that two of the fastest flowing nutrient cycles i.e. C and N cycles are to some extent coupled and increased N deposition has indeed been shown to reinforce carbon sequestration (there is solid evidence of the increase in concentration of N compounds in the atmosphere which would deposit back to the environment when rained down.)

It should be noted that while the primary producers have some time to enjoy the "feast", the increased input of organic matter (OM) in the ecosystems (from primary producers) in turns constitute another selection pressure to select the most efficient consumers and decomposers. The duo processes would get closer and closer to an equilibrium eventually, but it is not likely to be the same state we had seen in pre-industrial time.

So yes, in the "short-term" i.e. decades (which in itself is considered "long" relative to human lifespan), climate change does seem like a vicious cycle but on a longer-term it would likely find its "peace" through wax and wanes of biospheric responses.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/18964/-/19216 # 19216 2 答案由M Juckes气候变化是一个恶性循环呢?
米的基 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/17518 2020 - 02年- 15 - t20:03:39z 2020 - 02年- 15 - t20:03:39z < p >问题的措辞表明,这是问什么气候科学家称之为失控的反馈。有,一直都是积极的反馈在气候系统中,但这些是主要的稳定平衡的红外辐射的影响:一个简单的事实:地球发出更多的热量空间温暖时,这往往前后和加热效果。< / p > < p >因此,我们的气候像一个良性、稳定系统,没有一个失控就不安。< / p > < p >为例,1度摄氏的变暖将会增加大气中的水蒸气约6 - 7%(因为热空气可以携带更多的水,看到examnple, < a href = " https://skepticalscience.com/print.php?r = 44 nofollow noreferrer“rel = >怀疑科学< / >)。水蒸汽是一种温室气体,这额外的水蒸气将会创建额外的加热约2.2 W m - 2 (< a href = " https://phys.org/news/2014-03-effect-vapor-climate.html " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / > AGU的报告)。同时,一个额外的摄氏度意味着地球是空间辐射更多的热量。这可以从Stephan-Boltzman估计法(数学省略),事实证明,1度摄氏变暖导致大约一个附加的6 W m - 2被发射到太空。额外的冷却效果(6 W m - 2)大于反馈效应(2.2 W m - 2)的净效应是当地球的气候受到暂时的变暖将酷回到平衡状态。< / p > < p > <强>我们现在看到指数变暖的原因并不是因为一个恶性的反馈,那是因为我们正申请一个成倍增加的强迫。< /强> < / p > < p >然而,没有绝对的物理定律,说发出红外辐射的稳定效果总是战胜反馈。有一种担心不断上升的气温可能会加强反馈,他们压倒稳定效果,导致一个不可阻挡的失控的反馈可能会消灭所有的哺乳动物,包括我们。 That would be vicious. It has to be said, of course, that there are no credible predictions of a run-away feedback anytime soon -- the debate there is whether our models would be able to spot one before it happened.
