如何使火星土壤-地球科学栈交流江南电子竞技平台江南体育网页版 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 04 - 03 - t01:33:13z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/19017 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/19017 14 如何使火星土壤 神奇的子弹戴夫 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/18760 2020 - 01 - 19 t14:36:05z 2020 - 01 - 21 t07:06:14z < p >我的儿子想要复制一些实验,试图在火星土壤种植植物的a - level的科学项目。我知道美国国家航空航天局已经产生土壤模拟火星土壤,然而我也知道它有多贵。< / p > < p >我的问题是,什么是最接近真正的火星土壤代理,我可以从建筑商创建使用现成的供应商人,花园供应商,化学家,和超市吗?< / p > < p >提前多谢。< / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/19017/-/19018 # 19018 9 答案由user18607如何让火星土壤 user18607 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/0 2020 - 01 - 19 t16:23:36z 2020 - 01 - 19 t19:40:08z < p > < a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martian_regolith_simulant " MGS-1 rel = " noreferrer " > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martian_regolith_simulant MGS-1 < / >有一个链接到一个标准的火星地表,包括食谱。不过,它将不是简单复制矿物的粒度。硅酸盐材料是困难的,可能需要一个昂贵的轧机或磨床生产它,或工作的朋友在一个石匠的工厂。高氯酸盐是不包括在标准,然而,但也许更健康的离开,不重要的细节(轻微sarkasm: -))。< / p > < p >注意潜在的健康风险! < / p > < p >建议:也许就足够了进行项目级访问一个网站,可以带走一个玄武岩,磨的地方和消毒(> 100°C加热一小时左右)< / p >。 //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/19017/-/19019 # 19019 3 答案由Michael Walsby如何使火星土壤 迈克尔Walsby //www.hoelymoley.com/users/17166 2020 - 01 - 19 t17:56:07z 2020 - 01 - 19 t17:56:07z < p >就像地球上有许多不同的岩石和土壤,因此火星上有许多不同的岩石和土壤。复制一个火星土壤,你需要记住两件事。首先应该所有植物生长所需的重要营养,其次应该没有生物性组件。排除了石灰石的开始。< / p > < p >土壤应该包含氮、磷、钾、镁、硫、钙。火山凝灰岩是最好的方式来获得这些材料从一个非生物源;火山土壤非常肥沃。如果你不能找到凝灰岩,玄武岩和花岗岩。在英国地区曾经是火山,如斯诺登尼亚在威尔士和苏格兰的爱丁堡和其他部分。花岗岩将比玄武岩酸性土壤。

Grind or pound your basalt into a fine powder. Do the same with your granite. If there are some wheat grain sized granules in your granite, it doesn't matter, natural soils have them too. You should prepare a number of pots with different proportions of the two main ingredients. A little silicon dioxide sand might be worth adding to some of your pots, there is plenty of it on Mars. Then sow your seeds and see what happens.

Different plants have different soil requirements, so you should try more than one species. The trickiest ingredient to obtain, and one of the most important, is nitrogen. several sources of nitrogen on Earth, for example lightning discharges and urine, are not available on Mars. I wonder if a sprinkling of potassium nitrate would count as cheating. It occurs as an evaporite on Earth, but I haven't heard that any has been found on Mars. See how well your plants can manage without it. Potassium nitrate (saltpetre) is available from chemists.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/19017/-/19033 # 19033 9 答案为如何使火星土壤类 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/0 2020 - 01 - 19 t20:08:17z 2020 - 01 - 20 - t02:42:31z < p >其他海报是正确的——真正的火星土壤含有高氯酸盐,高含量的铁,可以剧毒。你想找的是叫做“火星表层兴奋剂”。有一些网站的食谱。< / p > < p > < a href = " https://reprage.com/post/home-made-simulant-mars-dirt " rel = " noreferrer " > https://reprage.com/post/home-made-simulant-mars-dirt < / > < / p > < blockquote > < p >五个最丰富的成分,占近90%的泥土来自火星样本。李< / p > < ul > < > < /李> <李>二氧化硅- 49.5% Fe2O3 - 17.9% < /李> <李> < /李> <李>氧化铝- 7.2%分别以- 7.7% < /李> <李>曹- 6.7% < /李> < / ul > < p >,似乎是一个不错的起点。如果我垫达到100%和使用结果重量比,应该做一个像样的第一批自制的火星土壤。幸运的是大部分的这些东西可以在硬件和健康食品商店。< / p > < p > < / p > < p >二氧化硅含量,对砂。你可以预算和传播得到一袋沙子(它不会100%硅)。如果你想要更精确,你可以寻找教育和科学样本含有更少的杂质。你可以得到2.7公斤约\ 16美元< / p > < p > Fe2O3 < / p > < p >氧化铁,水泥是红色的色彩和经常被宣传为红色氧化物或类似。你可以得到2.2公斤大约20美元\ < / p > < p >氧化铝< / p > < p >氧化铝,用作磨料。 It gets stuck to sandpaper and is used in sandblasting. It was a bit difficult obtaining smaller amounts in Australia (places wanted to sell me 20kg bags). You can get 340 grams for about \$10.


Magnesium oxide, is a dietary supplement found in health food stores. You can get 225 grams for about \$10.


Calcium oxide, Now this one is tricky. I couldn’t easily buy calcium oxide. It seems that calcium oxide reacts with CO2 in the air and gets converted into calcium carbonate. But you can buy calcium carbonate (CaCO3) as a dietary supplement. This can then be turned into calcium oxide by ‘lime-burning’, just heat it up in a kiln to above 825°C. You can get 340 grams of calcium carbonate for about \$10

and others that lets you buy your own (I won't link to them because of advertising, but the Martian garden is one such site). I think you could get close with the above recipe.

In any scenario, I would strongly recommend supervising your child when they are working with the stimulant. It should be handled with gloves and a respirator mask. Ingestion is very dangerous, and it might not be the worst idea to check the number of your local poison control center. While this may seem like overkill, it would make a great section of your child's science project. "Methodology", "Safety", and "Standards & Practices" are all very important parts of working in a lab and in engineering.

Best of luck!
