如果它的冰层被移除在现代大气条件下,气候和在南极冰原的平衡将会重新建立?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 10 - t03:49:16z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/19570 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/19570 1 如果它的冰层被移除在现代大气条件下,气候和在南极冰原的平衡将会重新建立? 格兰特Hartlage //www.hoelymoley.com/users/17317 2020 - 04 - 06 - t23:10:00z 2021 - 07 - 06 - t06:56:19z < p >请注意这个词的使用而不是melted-as在,任何多余的水移动到它不能带来麻烦,要么通过使用先进的技术(太空电梯,等等),或者为了有一个简单的模型。江南登录网址app下载< / p > < p >几乎完全1年以前,我问< a href = " https://www.quora.com/If-the-Antarctic-ice-sheet-were-removed-under-modern-climatic-conditions-assuming-the-excess-water-is-somehow-moved-off-world-so-theres-no-net-sea-level-change-how-would-the-climate-of-Antarctica-and-the-world-at/ " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >一个非常类似的问题在Quora < / >,我只有< a href = " https://www.quora.com/If-the-Antarctic-ice-sheet-were-removed-under-modern-climatic-conditions-assuming-the-excess-water-is-somehow-moved-off-world-so-theres-no-net-sea-level-change-how-would-the-climate-of-Antarctica-and-the-world-at/answer/Barry-Lewis-6/ " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >这个答案< / >,我坚决不同意< a href = " https://www.quora.com/If-the-Antarctic-ice-sheet-were-removed-under-modern-climatic-conditions-assuming-the-excess-water-is-somehow-moved-off-world-so-theres-no-net-sea-level-change-how-would-the-climate-of-Antarctica-and-the-world-at/answer/Barry-Lewis-6/comment/91840662 " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / >。然而,使用术语“在当前气候条件”可能让他承担气候也以某种方式保持不变而不是影响变化(不是由人为温室气体),和大规模的范围可能阻止更多的人回答的问题。我希望这措辞会更清楚。< / p > < p >回答假设的快速和灾难性re-attainment现状。我的分歧来自几个因素同时将采取行动,温暖的气候:< / p > < ol > <李> <强>低海拔在对流层。< /强>本文中描述的直减率< a href = " https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1029/1999GL900536 " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >高度依赖冰盖表面气候意味着< em > < / > < / em >忽略其他因素,Vostok站将23.6 - -26.5°C温暖没有冰的高度取决于季节和假设,当温度在阿蒙森-斯科特站将增加17.7 - -21.5°C。这种效应不太靠近冰川表面是冰川下的地形或海平面。李李< / > < > < >强更大的太阳能加热。< /强>冰能反映太阳能90%或更多的事件,虽然光秃秃的岩石通常有一个低反照率,大约10 - 40%的太阳能反射、吸收与其他加热和空气。开放水域反照率极低,只有~ 6%的太阳能反射。 Even at the South Pole, provided skies are clear and atmospheric conditions are ideal, solar heating alone can sustain liquid water for about 84 days†. The actual decrease in (year-round average) albedo wouldn't be as significant due to seasonal snow/ice cover, but as solar energy is massively concentrated in the summer at Antarctic latitudes, the effective albedo would still be much less.
  • Topography and other effects allowing warm ocean currents and air masses to move southward. The general warming of the Antarctic would cause the maximum-density Antarctic Circumpolar Current to move southward, with subtropical currents such as the Brazil, Agulhas, and East Australian currents pushing southward and providing a Gulf Steam-like influence. The lower elevation of the interior would also allow (warm) weather fronts from lower latitudes to penetrate deep into the continent.
  • As implied all throughout this, there would be negative feedbacks causing reglaciation, and said glaciation would stop at some point, but the point of contention is when and where, i.e. how negative the second derivative of glacial area is. So, with all the factors taken into account, what would be the answer? Is Barry Lewis correct or not?

    †This was roughly calculated by combining solar angle with the Stefan-Boltzmann law at the albedo of open water, with an estimate of the atmospheric absorption and reflection given absolutely ideal atmospheric conditions adjusted by angle.
