做树捕获更多的二氧化碳在快速增长阶段吗?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换
最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 04 - 12 - t16:40:00z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/19646 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/19646 4 做树捕获更多的二氧化碳在快速增长阶段吗?
noctonura //www.hoelymoley.com/users/20387 2020 - 04 - 28 - t21:11:07z 2020 - 04 - 29 - t19:30:06z < p >我知道树木捕捉有限公司<子> 2 < /订阅>从空中和使用碳增长。树达到高度成熟,他们开始捕获二氧化碳,因为他们只需要碳“维护”而不是“长高”?< / p > < p >我想了解如何预期模型有限公司<子> 2 < /订阅>捕获对于一个给定的树(我的背景是在数学,而不是生物学)。我很确定我的逻辑是有缺陷但不确定…< / p > < ol > <李>树捕捉有限公司<子> 2 < /订阅>主要是为了得到碳增长和维护。因此,李李< / > < >树需要更少的碳一旦成熟。李李< / > < >因此,成熟的树木少捕捉有限公司<子> 2 < /订阅>从大气中。< /李> < / ol >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/19646/do-trees-capture-more-co2-during-a-fast-growth-stage/19649 # 19649 5 答案将做树捕获更多的二氧化碳在快速增长阶段吗?
//www.hoelymoley.com/users/18621 2020 - 04 - 29 - t08:15:48z 2020 - 04 - 29 - t09:08:58z < p >对,有很多误解。他们大多是与碳的大小的区别< em >存储< / em >和< em > < / em >率碳吸收,也是整个网站的区别碳储存和地上生物量碳储存。也有正在进行的研究发生(如你想像)需要一个< em > < / em >长时间,因为大多数树种的平均寿命。< / p > < p >标准森林人的反应是:一公顷的森林会生长在乙状结肠/对数曲线所描述(< a href = " https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.2041 - 210 x.2011.00155.x”rel = " noreferrer " > Paine et al . 2011 < / >)是这样的:< / p > < p > < a href = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/yXEQe.png " rel = " noreferrer " > < img src = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/yXEQe.png " alt = "乙状结肠为英国西加云杉生长曲线”> < / >这是基于一个更岁站(所以,多种树木,种植在同一时间)。< / p > < p >解读,我们可以看到,最伟大的< em > < / em >碳吸收的速度是25年和75年之间(对于这个网站,物种,等等),但最大的碳存储< em > < / em >直到150年才真正实现+。你可以阅读更多关于这个臭名昭著的< a href = " https://www.forestresearch.gov.uk/research/forest-mensuration-a-handbook-for-practitioners/ " rel = " noreferrer " >“蓝皮书”森林研究< / >。< / p > < p >在此基础上,我们将假设成熟森林不削减更多额外的碳每年每公顷,< em > < / em >他们比如果我们只是做存储更多的砍伐森林碳吸收最大化。然而……< / p > < p > 1)地下碳(土壤碳、根、树桩等)不遵循相同的规则。土壤中的碳可以保持隔离开来(特别是泥炭)很长时间,继续可以放下(根据现场条件)或多或少下去。当土壤干扰(例如通过感觉操作或排水)他们释放碳。 So any forest disturbance will tend to release soil carbon.

2) It doesn't scale well to individual trees as pointed out in in Stephenson et al. (2014). This is because the total tree population per ha is of a variable size (tree mortality and thinning means that there are fewer trees per ha over time).

This means we end up with a trade off between storing the carbon we have already sequestered and drawing down new carbon into the system. The degree to which the carbon sequestration rate decreases over time depends a lot on the forest soil, climate, species, and other local conditions. There is an academic discussion taking place over the difference between a simple measurement of above ground woody biomass (as shown above) and a whole-site carbon balance.

It can get quite complicated, and how you look at it can result in different results. Do you definitely want to model individual trees? Or are you thinking about forests in general?

Hope this helps.
