地球自转是否导致海平面自东向西升高?-地江南体育网页版球科学堆栈交换江南电子竞技平台 最近30个来自www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 04 - 02 - t00:56:11z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/19682 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/19682 3. 地球自转是否导致海平面自东向西升高? //www.hoelymoley.com/users/20424 2020 - 05 - 06 - t09:17:23z 2020 - 05 - 08 - t06:37:27z 从直观上看,如果地球从西向东旋转得足够快,海洋西部边缘的平均海平面会明显更高。地球的自转在现实中造成了这种影响吗?< / p >

I ask as in Bill Bryson's book 'A Short History of Nearly Everything' on p.334 ch.18, he says

The Pacific is about a foot and a half [~46cm] higher along its western edge - a consequence of the centrifugal force created by the Earth's spin.

No source is mentioned in the notes section and I found no exact source with a Google search. The closest I found was

Is sea level the same all across the ocean? - National Ocean Service

This is the change in sea level from 1993 to I assume 2019 (when the article was last updated). The data shows an increase in sea level on the Pacific's west side (and not the east side) but of course this is not exactly what Bryson stated in his book. Maybe there has been a mix up?

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/19682/-/19708#19708 1 地球自转是否导致海平面自东向西升高? 大卫Hammen //www.hoelymoley.com/users/239 2020 - 05 - 07 - t11:44:21z 2020 - 05 - 07 - t11:44:21z 我问,在Bill Bryson的书《几乎所有事物的简史》第334页ch.18中,他说太平洋在其西部边缘高出了大约1.5英尺[~46厘米]——这是地球自转产生的离心力的结果。



20 cm的差值是由大地水准从一边到另一边确定的。这个水平遵循一个“水平”面,将平行于大地水准面(见常见问题#1)。巴拿马的20厘米差距并不是唯一的。其他地方也有类似的“跳跃”,例如斯卡格拉克,印度尼西亚海峡。< / p >

If the canal was open sea and did not contain locks, i.e. if somehow a deep open cutting had been made rather than the canal system over the mountains, then there would be a current flowing from the Pacific to the Atlantic. An analogy, though imperfect because there are many other factors, is a comparison between Panama and the Drake Passage off the south tip of Chile, which has a west-east flow. (The flow in the Drake Passage is primarily wind-driven, but Pacific-Atlantic density must play some role.)

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/19682/-/19712#19712 0 地球自转是否导致海平面自东向西上升? 米的基 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/17518 2020 - 05 - 08 - t06:37:27z 2020 - 05 - 08 - t06:37:27z

地球自转的离心效应导致海平面和“固体”地球在赤道处隆起,因此赤道处的半径比极点处的半径大约22公里Wikipedia:赤道隆起。旋转的直接动力效应不会引起海平面的任何东西变化。还有两个影响需要考虑。地球不是均匀的球体,但有显著的密度变化。由于这些密度变化,大地水准面形状("海洋表面在地球引力和自转单独影响下的形状")。这些密度变化的结构导致太平洋在西部“更高”(即离地球中心更远)(平均海平面、GPS和大地水准面)。这似乎是Bill Bryson所提到的差异的主要原因。< / p >

Discussion of the "height" of sea-level can be confusing, because scientists often talk about the height relative to the geoid. Winds and ocean currents affect level of the ocean so that it does not match the shape of the geoid exactly. In fact, the prevailing winds tend to create a positive height relative to the geoid on the Eastern edge of the Pacific (Effect of Surface Currents).
