(如何推断阴影,太阳的测角,太阳在地平线15度?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换
最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 10 - t01:39:05z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/19736 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/19736 0 (如何推断阴影,太阳的测角,太阳在地平线15度?
user17042 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/0 2020 - 05 - 13 - t22:05:42z 2020 - 10 - 11 - t08:04:45z < p > < a href = " https://redd。它/ gh282b nofollow noreferrer“rel = > r / rbi < / >, u / A11edge问< / p > < blockquote > < p >谁能确定在照片拍摄时一个小时?< / p > < p >的作者照片涉嫌喷洒杀虫剂白天(这是非法的,因为它导致成千上万的蜜蜂死亡)。< / p > < p >位置:在波兰< / p > < /引用> < p > < a href = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/aT5dQ.jpg " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < img src = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/aT5dQ.jpg " alt = "在这里输入图像描述" / > < / > < / p > < p > XauManKib回答< / p > < blockquote > < p >从照片,我可以看到三个主要方面:鲜花、阴影和上反射的阳光。< / p > < p >考虑天空的颜色和整体光,这是下午。< / p > < p >十字花科照片中的鲜花,我认为是白色的芥末,常见的东欧,花期4月和5月之间,这意味着日落在波兰,1930小时和2020小时左右。

Supported by the shadows, the angulation of the Sun is clear in the reflection present in the photo, that is raffigurating [I looked up on Wiktionary], except flares, the Sun as [typo for "is"] 15 degrees over the horizon, or about 40 minutes before the sunset. The time in the photo is between 1850 and 1940 hours.

  1. I never visited Poland and don't know anything on it. But can someone explain boldened paragraph like I'm 5 in Simple English? How deduce all this?

  2. There are "flares"?

  3. "the angulation of the Sun is clear in the reflection present in the photo"? Can someone draw on the picture to indicate this?

  4. How deduce the Sun is 15 degrees over the horizon?

  5. How deduce "40 minutes before the sunset"?

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/19736/how-deduce-from-shadows-the-angulation-of-the-sun-that-the-sun-is-15-degrees-o/19739 # 19739 1 答案由trond汉森(如何推断阴影,太阳的测角,太阳在地平线15度?
trond汉森 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/6258 2020 - 05 - 14 - t06:33:07z 2020 - 05 - 14 - t06:33:07z < p >如果你看的影子拖拉机的排气管右边可以看到这张照片是在清晨或日落时间相当短。< / p > < p >是不可能给你一个很好的估计什么时间拍照,因为这取决于。< / p > < p >如果照片摄于4月初在日落前一小时以上,日出后一个多小时。< / p > < p >如果照片摄于它可能会写上在日落前一小时或一个小时后日出。< / p >