如何开始学习恐龙和史前哺乳动物/海洋生物-地球科学栈交流吗江南电子竞技平台江南体育网页版 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 08 - t20:26:35z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/20004 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/20004 2 如何开始学习恐龙和史前哺乳动物/海洋生物吗 卢卡斯Giraldi //www.hoelymoley.com/users/20814 2020 - 07 - 31 - t14:53:16z 2020 - 08 - 01 - t09:18:05z < p >我新的恐龙这个洞的事情,我很感兴趣,有什么好书/网站/网页研究史前生物的生物学吗?恐龙、哺乳动物、鱼类,任何不再活着了。此外,任何好的书籍关于这些物种是如何进化的历史和背后的历史,我们将不胜感激。< / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/20004/-/20006 # 20006 2 user20217回答的如何开始研究恐龙和史前哺乳动物/海洋生物 user20217 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/0 2020 - 07 - 31 - t16:24:52z 2020 - 08 - 01 - t09:18:05z < p >这是需要真正研究< em > < / em >:你需要经过作者整个本科项目,包括基本的地球动力学板块构造、岩浆作用、火山活动、火山和变质岩和一般的周期< em >地球内部动力学< / em >。< / p > < p >还有巨大的外部因素,如沉积地质学(这很复杂的东西),土壤风化和运输以及如何来,成岩作用和沉积物形成的结构及其分类。海洋的作用(这就是它开始,之前所有)和大气,当然可以。< / p > < p >时,通常4学期,你可以开始专门化。对于paleontolgy需要地球历史的知识,当然,细分,在特定时间条件他们都知道。一旦完成,然后是真正的古生物学:动物(无脊椎动物和脊椎动物),植物,和他们的发展,生物进化(这是经常被低估,我发现),埋葬学,……对于一个坚固的基础计算另一个2 - 4学期。< / p > < p >你可以看到,即使是一堆网站,也许他们在一起,不能替代实际的研究。我甚至不知道有任何网站,给一个合理的概述。地球科学,因此古生物学、自然科学的许多领域。

That said, when asked "How to learn about animal paleontology ?" I allways mention Micheal Benton, Vertebrate Paleontology. It needs a basic understanding of geoscience, evolution and skeleton anatomy. Functional morphology, phylogeny and an overview over sediment geology and earth history also won't harm, but you could give it a try. Some things are explained in between.

I'd recommend to at least get a good introduction and overview into geology, in form of one or two books on the matter. Maybe a colleague knows other good books on the subject. Actually, I'd like to update my bookshelf myself :-)

Also, Museums of Natural History have publications that could interest you, but best would probably to sacrifice some time, visit them and then browse their book shops. Depending on your time and where you are.
