我们在地质记录中寻找类似人类的信号吗?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 08 - 24 - t07:47:27z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/20036 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/20036 1 我们在地质记录中寻找类似人类的信号吗? phi1123 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/20852 2020 - 08 - 06 - t01:20:49z 2022 - 11 - 03 - t17:29:30z < p >这是有点跟进一些有趣的讨论< a href = " //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/4276/nuclear-testing-and-the-anthropocene-a-chemostratigraphic-link/4278 # 4278 " > < / >在这里使用合成放射性同位素来定义人类世的开始。也是相关的问题< a href = " //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/9061/could-evidence-of-a-signal-from-an-exocivilization-be-found-in-the-geologic-reco " > < / >,但是与一些额外的思想放进我希望优点自己的反应。我的问题很简单:< / p > < p > <强>有没有认真思考投入寻找古老的工业文明,将产生一个信号与人类文明的沉积物记录呢?< /强> < / p > < p >完全外行,似乎至少可能足够古生物学(考古?)记录可能是不完整的,我们已经完全错过或误解了一个古老文明的证据。我会想象,没有太多的人力结构/工件经过数百万年的风化生存。将合乎道理,不是会有很多从这个假设的古代文明。< / p > < p >鉴于上面的问题我联系,讨论什么< em > < / em >会持续很长一段时间将我们的大气核爆炸/事故的证据。通常可以想象同位素不自然,如长寿命裂变产物如i - 129,未使用的核燃料像u - 235,或他们的衰变产物如u - 236α衰变的pu - 240可以出现在一个薄层的沉积记录。此外,也可以寻找一个高峰的自然存在同位素结果从掺入放射性同位素的生物(例如峰值在zr - 90公司的sr - 90取代钙有孔虫)。鉴于同位素的类型,他们甚至可以猜测一个起源(例如核爆炸、核反应堆事故或违反浪费存储)< / p > < p >远离放射性同位素,这个假设的文明也可能使用化石燃料,导致全球变暖的类似于我们今天所看到的。 Intriguingly, from my reading it seems that there are events that produced abrupt warming (e.g. Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum) whose cause and/or trigger is poorly understood, though I won't speculate too much about this as it's not my area.

I think there are probably other signals that one could look for, for example evidence of industrial pollution or agriculture. However, I think these might be trickier to see than the radioisotope signal, as they are chemical and therefore might be difficult to distinguish from a sudden natural process. Nevertheless, it seems like the combination several of these types of signals with an abrupt onset and end in the sediment records would be pretty convincing evidence for an ancient civilisation. Perhaps more exciting, it seems like these could be tested with existing methods or even existing samples.

I don't want to come off as a total crackpot, but I hope that this has shown why this seem like an interesting and accessible line of inquiry to a non-geologist, even if I don't think the hypothesis of an ancient civilisation is particularly likely. What I will jokingly call SATI (Search for Ancient Terrestial Intelligence) seems to me equally significant to the much more well known SETI, and is much more likely to give some kind of result, whether positive or negative. Genuinely curious if this sort of thing has been seriously thought about and researched, or if there is something that I'm not understanding that would make this not as clear-cut as I'm making it out to be.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/20036/-/20042 # 20042 1 由peterh回答我们在地质记录中寻找类似人类的信号吗? peterh //www.hoelymoley.com/users/6016 2020 - 08 - 06 - t16:22:48z 2020 - 08 - 06 - t16:22:48z < p >任何核活动将在同位素比值的变化远远超过我们的宇宙的存在。没有发现直到现在,< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_nuclear_fission_reactor " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >除了一个在加蓬< / >。这是自然现象:当时,在20亿年前,有更多的< span class = " math-container " > $ {} ^ {235} \ rm U $ < / span >和地下水可能温和的铀矿,如果是足够的富裕。< / p > < p >除此之外,没有发现直到现在。< / p > < p > <子>无关,但对无线电信号情况是相同的。如果任何类似地球的文明都存在在100光年远,我们会看到他们的无线电信号。有无线电静默。< /订阅> < / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/20036/-/24481 # 24481 0 约翰的回答我们在地质记录中寻找类似人类的信号吗? 约翰 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/7080 2022 - 11 - 03 - t00:12:34z 2022 - 11 - 03 - t17:29:30z < p >我们从未见过,让我们相信他们的其他技术的物种。但如果他们不让它从石器时代我们可能找不到证据,即使他们确实发生了。它是可能的但没有什么让我们相信有技术的物种。< / p > < p >有一些良好的证据,在化石记录中我们没有任何的足够大的大脑在灵长类动物在遥远的过去,有一个低风险的留下化石更大的脑的后代。人类在地球上到处都是,一直以来我们都仍然狩猎采集为生,可能有成千上万的人类化石形成的几千年。有人会注意到大的内伤的事情到处传播。< / p > < p >如果它确实存在非常孤立,从不发达的技术扩散。江南登录网址app下载< / p > < p >一旦陶器和玻璃证据难以摧毁。宝石保持明显减少一旦埋,火叶奇怪的痕迹我们倾向于注意到,有很多的东西可以展示一种技术但我们看不到它。物种会短暂的昙花一现的快速进化以适应我们所知道的。< / p >