“主要月球停滞”导致涨潮?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换
最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 07 - t23:22:31z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/20176 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/20176 3 “主要月球停滞”导致涨潮?
基思·麦克 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/6535 2020 - 09 - 07 - t04:24:29z 2020 - 09 - 08 - t06:28:38z < blockquote > < p >主要月球停滞,随着循环,一直以来严重starwatchers巴比伦人紧随其后。像发条每18.6年,引发严重的趋势上涨,膨胀,和洪水,尤其是在热带地区。现在,图表表明,停止干扰雅加达。在11月26日或27日,仅仅几个月,雅加达Brinkman告诉Abidin和安德烈亚斯,几乎肯定会经历一场毁灭性的洪水新出现激增,将半英尺的海水或更多在墙上和进城。< / p > < /引用> < p > < a href = " https://gen.medium.com/the-fastest-sinking-city-in-the-world-has-a-plan-to-save-itself-5f3ce623bd45 " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >激进的计划,拯救世界上最快的沉没的城市< / > < / p > < p >维基百科有< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_standstill: % 7 e:文本= % 20一个主要% 2 c % 20或% 20一个% 20小,和% 20月落% 2 c % 20达到% 20 % 20最大。”rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >月球停滞< / >的一篇文章中,但是它也没提到的潮汐,我找不到(质量好)< a href = " http://google.com/search?q = % 22主要月球% 20停滞% % 20 22% 20潮nofollow noreferrer“rel = > < / >页面,让这个连接。< / p > < p >一个“主要月球Standstill"引起单日涨潮中描述雅加达文章吗? < / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/20176/-/20179 # 20179 4 回答为“重大月球停滞”大卫Hammen导致涨潮?
大卫Hammen //www.hoelymoley.com/users/239 2020 - 09 - 08 - t06:28:38z 2020 - 09 - 08 - t06:28:38z < blockquote > < p >一个“主要月球Standstill"引起单日涨潮中描述雅加达文章吗? < / p >

Possibly "fake news", but very possibly yes.

The possibly "fake news" part first: The next major lunar standstill will be in late 2024 / early 2025. The most recent minor lunar standstill was in 2015. There is no lunar standstill, major or minor, in 2020.

Now for the possibly yes part. The Moon and the Sun excite tides in the Earth's oceans at a variety of frequencies. The dominant frequency in most places is the M2 tidal component with a frequency of 12 hours and 25.2 minutes. This is due to the Moon, whose tidal influence is over twice that of the Sun. There are many other components to the tides. The longest modeled term, the lunar nodal tidal cycle, has a period of 18.61 years.

Each of those exciting frequencies results in a set of amphidromic systems. (Note: The linked site discusses the response to the M2 tidal component. Every tidal component results in its own set of amphidromic systems.) The 18.61 year period lunar nodal tidal cycle results in rather weak tides in general, typically less than a centimeter.

That said, the very long frequency means that this generally small tide can add insult to injury when shorter frequency tides line up to create very high spring tides. Moreover, the shape of continents and the depths of the oceans can make what are normally small tidal influences have locally magnified significance. Miami, for example, experiences annual king tides that flood low-lying parts of the city.

More to the point, many places along the UK coastline experienced the highest tide for 18.6 years between the 19th and 30th of September. Even more to the point, tide gauge records have shown that the 18.61 year period lunar nodal tidal cycle can change high water levels by up to 30 cm.

What about the fact that there is no lunar standstill in 2020? There are a few places experience the M2 appears to be exactly in sync with the Moon in that high tide happens when the Moon is at zenith / underfoot, low tide when the Moon is at the horizon. But it's the other way around in other places: High tide happens when the Moon is at the horizon. In yet other places, high tide happens when the Moon is halfway up in the sky.

The amphidromic systems that result from tidal forcings result in rotating waves about amphidromic points. Places do not in general experience high tide when the Moon is at zenith. Every place instead experiences a phase shift from when one would naively expect high tide to occur. With the 18.613 year lunar nodal tidal cycle, that phase shift could be as much as ±9.31 years. A peak lunar nodal tidal four years before a major lunar standstill is well within the realm of the possible.
