I kept seeing long stringy "fibres" thinking it was from a tarpaulin or plastic bag. BUT.. no. then I thought it was very fine roots from old plants. NO. there also appears to be 100s if not 1000s of tiny microscopic "white worm" things.
What could do this to sandstones or any rock? Turning big sandstones into a very thick stretchy heavy substance which is almost impossible to get off your shovel or gloves or any tool? And there's an enormous amount of this.
There's also a large number of tiny black things embedded into the gooey sandstone.
I am very concerned about what's happening. I bought my place in June 2019. Moved in December 2019. So been here just on a year.
I live very close to the city of Sydney. I don't think its the Rock Eating Worm/Shipworm- but I don't know.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank You
Miss Fifi Jones
***Shame you can't add a video. that shows it all best.
Sandstone now marshmallow diff colours white soft + gooey: