为什么地球的密度梯度是阶跃函数,而不是平滑函数?-地江南体育网页版球科学堆栈交换江南电子竞技平台 最近30个来自www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 03 - 29 - t23:31:34z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/20601 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/20601 8 为什么地球的密度梯度是阶跃函数,而不是平滑函数? Nikhil库马尔 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/21581 2020 - 12 - 19 - t05:56:33z 2021 - 01 - 13 t14:14:38z

为什么地球大气中表层以上的粒子密度比地面和以下的小得多?相反,为什么地球不是一个简单的由旋转的气体/液体组成的球,当你靠近核心时,它的密度会逐渐增加(因为引力在靠近核心时更强)?< / p >

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/20601/-/20602#20602 1 为什么地球的密度梯度是阶跃函数,而不是平滑函数? 詹姆斯·K //www.hoelymoley.com/users/9563 2020 - 12 - 21 - t16:38:59z 2020 - 12 - 21 - t16:38:59z 原子也有电磁相互作用,这改变了它们的行为。特别是,铁会形成金属键,而硅会与氧共价结合,形成巨大的固体结构。另一方面,氮会与自己结合,形成不与其他分子相连的小分子。因此,铁和硅酸盐将形成比氮密度高得多的固体。然后,铁和硅酸盐将与漂浮在上面的氮一起下落,当你从有氮(和其他气体)的区域移动到有硅酸盐(和其他矿物)的区域时,密度将发生急剧的阶梯变化


//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/20601/-/20633#20633 12 为什么地球的密度梯度是阶跃函数,而不是平滑函数? 奥斯卡Lanzi //www.hoelymoley.com/users/20607 2020 - 12 - 29 - t22:53:52z 2021 - 01 - 11 t21:16:53z


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这些成分不混合或相互溶解,所以重力使密度更大的物质-水-沉降到底部。密度作为高度的函数,从油密度上升到水密度,当你走到界面下面。以地球为例,有几个密度逐渐增大的相不能混合。密度梯度中最大的一步是当岩石相(橄榄石、尖晶石、钙钛矿和铁方石(下图未显示)让位给密度更大的核心时。在下面的插图中,这个边界是岩石地幔的底部,D"层,遇到主要是铁的核心。< / p >

enter image description hereSource

One major difference between the interior of Earth and the oil-water combination in the first picture is that much of Earth's interior is solid, so it takes a lot of heat and pressure -- both generated by gravity -- to make the materials yield and flow to their equilibrium positions. The same is true of other predominantly solid celestial bodies, so only relatively large and massive ones have enough gravitational power to enable separation of different density phases. Planetary scientists call this process differentiation.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/20601/-/20677#20677 2 为什么地球的密度梯度是阶跃函数,而不是平滑函数? Amphibio //www.hoelymoley.com/users/5381 2021 - 01 - 12 t11:40:14z 2021 - 01 - 12 t11:56:30z 我们太阳系中的行星有着截然不同的化学成分——离太阳最近的四颗岩石(水星、金星、地球、火星)的大部分质量都是由岩石和金属元素组成的(地球的中心主要是镍和铁),而木星和土星的气体巨星则由更轻、更简单的元素组成(主要是氢和氦)。那里的压力如此之大,以至于人们认为那里存在一种“金属氢”。所以是的,元素组成中有 阶跃变化,因此密度的阶跃变化较少——然而,密度阶跃变化仍然存在,物质(甚至相同的元素)在不同条件下以不同的状态存在——例如,气体,液体,可能还有金属氢在不同的压力和温度下。这是化学的一个特征。< / p >

The reason for the elemental difference in the planets is partly due to the make-up and distribution within the accretion disk, the swirl of elements that existed when our solar system formed. Also, planets that are as big as Jupiter have such a strong gravitational pull that they are able to hold onto (and pull in more) of the lighter elements like hydrogen and helium, which are the most abundant in the universe. Jupiter is actually like a half-there star, sometimes referred to as a 'failed star'.

However, the Earth is still large enough and has a protective magnetic shield generated by its iron core that allows its atmosphere not to be blasted away by the solar wind. This means we have both a stable gaseous atmosphere as well as a metallic and rocky interior, meaning a step-change in densities between solids and gases.

It is also worth noting though that our gaseous atmosphere is only 60 miles thick, whereas the Earth's radius is about 4,000 miles. The planet is much more of a homogenous solid than you might think, being as we are atmosphere dwellers.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/20601/-/20678#20678 1 为什么地球的密度梯度是阶跃函数,而不是平滑函数? 主任Muharrem• //www.hoelymoley.com/users/15195 2021 - 01 - 12 t17:21:22z 2021 - 01 - 13 t14:14:38z 地球大约有45亿年的历史。一开始它的密度函数是线性的。从一开始,世界就在释放热量。地球的热量高到足以引起对流。对流的作用就像从中心到地表的电梯。自地球形成以来,这种对流流使地球内部的质量不停地向上移动,然后向下移动。从中心到边缘的移动速度平均为1毫米/年。在45亿年的时间里,这个旅程完成了数千次。这个过程是通过部分融化发生的。大离子/电荷元素在晶体结构中是不需要的,它们在熔化过程中首先离开晶体。 They are transferred to crust via this melt. Due to this repeatingly mass translation earth has been developing its layered structure with characterised by step function. The process is called differentiation and time is an element of this function.

The differentiation phenomemon is also responsible for plate tectonics; formation of continents, earthquakes, life.
