地球已经搬到得到多少一吨铜-地球科学栈交流江南电子竞技平台江南体育网页版 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 10 - t12:48:49z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/21055 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/21055 3 多少地球必须搬到1吨铜的吗 ProGeologist //www.hoelymoley.com/users/22161 2021 - 04 - 03 - t17:08:54z 2021 - 04 - 05 - t10:52:42z < p >我想有意义的挖掘矿产和金属的过程。

  1. I found two measures related to waste: the stripping ratio (which is usually larger than 3:1 for copper, i.e. 3 tonnes of waste for one tonne of copper ore) and the ore grade (which is <5% for copper, i.e. out of a tonne of copper, you can extract only 50kg copper). Is my interpretation correct?
  2. How do they stack up in the mining process? Using a 1% ore grade and 3:1 stripping ratio, does that mean that to get 1 tonne of copper, we need to move 400 tonnes of earth, as we need 100 copper ore that comes along with 300 tonnes of waste?
  3. Does the same logic apply to rare earth mining as well? I found the following numbers for the Bayan Obo mining district in China (see [1]):
    • Neodymium content: 18.5%
    • REO(rare earth oxide) grade: 4.1%
    • Recovery rate: 50%
    • Tonne mined/tonne REO: 49

So according to my understanding, to get one tonne of neodymium, we need 49/(18.5%*4.1%*50%) = 12920 tonnes. Is that correct? That would be a lot of mining for a tonne of neodymium.

Ultimately, I am interested in the amount of earth that has to be moved/mined to get one tonne of copper/other metals (which of course depend of course on the mine and the ore grade).

Thanks a lot :-). I am trying to make sense of the numbers to get a better understanding of the footprint of certain technologies (e.g. given that there are 2 tonnes of neodymium in a modern wind generator, we need to remove 26,000 tonnes of earth to get the neodymium for this (if my numbers are correct).

Best regards, ProGeologist.

[1] Rare Earth mining: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013JOM....65j1327T/abstract - tables on page 1329 and 1331

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/21055/-/21057 # 21057 0 答案由blacksmith37多少地球必须搬到一吨铜 blacksmith37 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/8409 2021 - 04 - 03 - t19:27:14z 2021 - 04 - 03 - t19:50:15z < p >你需要具体。在美国,我认为铜矿石的内容通常是0.03%。表土无关的露天矿山不开辟新的领域。在一些地区的老比属刚果(扎伊尔?)表面的含铜量是4%富矿体。通常他们不开采由于政治的不稳定。我在巴格达(AZ)铜矿铜,发现各种数据内容。0.03%的可能是最穷的矿石;更好的存款可能高达0.5%。< / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/21055/-/21058 # 21058 2 弗雷德的回答多少地球必须搬到一吨铜 弗雷德 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/2470 2021 - 04 - 04 - t06:15:33z 2021 - 04 - 05 - t10:52:42z < p >你的问题关于剥采比只适用于露天矿山。他们生产更比地下矿山废石。我通常比矿矸石。< / p > < p >地下矿山更手术,根据情况部分矸石他们在开采生产用作回填< a href = " https://www.britannica.com/technology/stope " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >斯特普< / >。江南登录网址app下载

the stripping ratio (which is usually larger than 3:1 for copper, i.e. 3 tonnes of waste for one tonne of copper ore) and the ore grade (which is <5% for copper, i.e. out of a tonne of copper, you can extract only 50kg copper). Is my interpretation correct?

You are partially correct. In this scenario the amount of copper that would be delivered to the processing plant (also known as a mill or concentrator) in mined ore is 50 kg, i.e the amount of metal in the mill feed is 50 kg.

To get usable copper metal from the ore, after mining, it needs to treated in a processing plant to concentrate the copper bearing minerals and to remove the gangue minerals. The copper concentrate is then sent to a smelter to produce copper metal. The waste from the concentrator is sent to the tailings dam/pond/storage-facility.

If you account for the recoveries of these two processes, typically 80% for concentrating and 90% for smelting, the amount of copper metal produced from 50 kg of copper in mill feed would be 36 kg (50 x 0.8 x 0.9).

How do they stack up in the mining process? Using a 1% ore grade and 3:1 stripping ratio, does that mean that to get 1 tonne of copper, we need to move 400 tonnes of earth, as we need 100 tonnes copper ore that comes along with 300 tonnes of waste?

Yes. Such a scenario would give you 1 tonne of copper in mill feed.

Unfortunately, the paper you refer to was most likely written by primary metallurgists, or possibly chemical engineers, and not mining engineers. The emphasis of the authors is on the amount of metal recovered from mining and the amount of energy required to produce usable metal from various mining projects, not the overall quantities of material mined.

Regarding your question about the Bayan Obo mining district in China your calculations are not correct. Also, from the paper you refer to you cannot obtain the total amount of earth mined, ore and waste, because there is no reference to stripping ratio.

As you state, from Table I of your reference, the proportion of neodymium in REM (REM being rare earth metal)is 18.5%. Table II states Tonnes mined/Tonnes REM is 59. This usually refers to the tonnes of ore mined and supplied to the mill, not the total tonnes of earth mined (ore and waste). Additionally, as stated in Table II and reiterated in Table IX, the recovery from the primary processing plant is 50%.

Now, 1 tonne of REM supplied to the mill contains 0.185 t (185 kg) of neodymium. With 59 tonnes of ore mined per tonne of REM, the amount of ore mined and supplied to the mill to get 1 tonne of neodymium is 59/0.185 = 318.9 tonnes.

The mill only recovers 50% of the metal supplied to it. Therefore, for the mill to recover 1 tonne of neodymium 637.8 (318.9/0.5) tonnes of ore must be supplied to the mill.
