土壤是一个再生资源吗?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 07 - t16:38:04z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/2240 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/2240 14 土壤是一个再生资源吗? Inkenbrandt //www.hoelymoley.com/users/510 2014 - 07 - 07 - t23:08:40z 2016 - 09 - 13 - t16:34:17z < p >我的地质教科书告诉我,土壤是不能再生的,我同意,但有一些问题在我的课上,这种说法是否属实。< / p > < p >一些土壤超过人类一生再生。然而,在作物生产中,好像土壤可以再生添加剂。< / p > < p >在科学界的土壤科学家,土壤被认为是可再生资源,大部分的科学家?有强有力的证据来支持这个吗? < / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/2240/-/2245 # 2245 14 decvalts回答的土壤是可再生资源吗? decvalts //www.hoelymoley.com/users/662 2014 - 07 - 09 - t23:00:46z 2014 - 07 - 11 - t00:56:48z < p >土壤是一个有趣的案例,因为尽管它是不可再生(在任何有用< em > < / em >)的散装材料一旦脱离地面,< em > < / em >营养含量的土壤可以重新肥料。< / p > < p >土壤科学家会理解为“土壤”是什么最终产生固体物理和化学分解的基础底部的土层。自然土壤生产的速率发生大幅变化根据气候条件和其他因素,但通常可能范围从0.1到2.0毫米/年。< / p > < p >在许多密集耕种的区域,(上)土壤被侵蚀速度远远超过了它取代了自然过程。移除植被足以让裸露的土壤rainsplash侵蚀速率远远大于它是新的。一旦裸露的土壤,它变得更容易受到侵蚀。< / p > < p >我认为你指的添加剂补充< em >土壤养分< / em >的内容,而不是散装材料,将由基岩分解。经过精心管理,可以维持现有土壤的肥力。但如果土壤是允许被冲洗掉或侵蚀,所有实用目的,补给的速度不够快,应被视为可再生。< / p > < p > < a href = " http://www.soilerosion.net/doc/about_this_site.html " >这个网站< / >链接更方面围绕这个问题。< / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/2240/-/6727 # 6727 0 回答集市的土壤是可再生资源吗? 集市 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/117 2015 - 10 - 15 - t11:35:06z 2015 - 10 - 15 - t11:35:06z < p >土壤中有几个有趣的组件:< / p > < ul > <李> < p >碳含量,主要形式的< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humic_acid " rel =“nofollow”>胡敏酸< / >——一个代表土壤储存营养和水和是否有生活土壤微生物(蚯蚓等等)。土壤碳也被生物过程之外的特殊情况如泥炭形成。碳添加腐烂植物和其他有机物质,像动物的粪便(是否自然或粪便作为肥料应用)< / p > < /李> <李> < p >常量营养元素的内容,我们所认为的肥料——通常是N, p, K(在较小程度上)被认为是植物需要的营养素。也可用这些营养物质是如何的问题。营养素被添加作为肥料。营养素,作为有机物(如N蛋白)必须首先被消化。这就是为什么蚯蚓之类的是很重要的。大量要素可以被淘汰和爱尔兰所使用的植物。< / p >
  • Micronutrients - trace elements, salts etc. that plants need. Again, it is important to understand that not so much the total amount in a given volume of earth is interesting but the amount actually available to a plant (Mg tied up in the middle of some rock won't help). I think these cycle like macronutrients, but the slow breakdown of sand and rock is also an important source. But this is a slow process. On intensivly used fields, these will be added in addition to fertilizer. This gives you a hint that the processes supplying micronutrients happen slowly.

  • So if you think of soil as the sum of these three categories you can look at how fast or slow each is replenished and used. FArmers will watch for the nutrient balances as well as for the carbon balance of their fields.
    However all of these influence each other, soil is really complex. While you can argue that soil is renewable since in some cases all three broad categories of stuff will be replenished eventually, IMO this misses the point how slowly this happens. It also misses the more important point that soil is not simply a mixture of stuff but ideally a living system where things happen.
