有足够的“能量”;在大气中让微液滴蒸发的:机械能、热能和辐射能。一般来说,你应该把悬浮的水滴想象成一个混沌系统,而不是水滴的集合。云滴从来不是孤立的或稳定的。云的变化是由饱和度的梯度、温度、压力和空气的不断运动所驱动的。液滴也不断地相互影响,导致它们增长或破裂。 As drier air becomes part of that environment, the water molecules at the edges of the droplets have less of a chance of remaining in solution.
或者可能根本没有那么简单。 Dry air can at times create clouds, very nasty clouds, called supercells. In the North American Great Plains, a large mass of very dry air can be flowing eastward from the Rocky Mountains and meet with a large mass of very moist air flowing to the northwest from the Gulf of Mexico. Because dry air is more dense than than moist air, the dry air at the boundary between the two air masses can slip underneath the moist air mass. This buoys the moist air upward, thereby creating clouds. This phenomenon of a dew point difference between the dry and moist air is known as the Dry Line. If conditions are just right (or just wrong), those clouds can become very large and very tall. A Supercell can result in large hail, and at times, tornadoes.
基本上它是水分子的动能(高于0 K,绝对零度);这种能量不是均匀分布的,所以一些分子的能量比其他分子高。一些分子有足够的能量“跳开”,成为一个孤立的“气体分子”,把其他分子留在后面,动能略少(能量的保存)。所以这就是出汗的工作原理:你在干燥和冷却的同时。