I am not sure about the SMHI model, but I suppose it is a competent high-resolution regional model focused on Scandinavia. If they do not issue probabilistic forecasts, you can look at global models like ECMWF, GFS, ICON. They are not tuned to Sweden, but this is not necessarily bad; an ensemble of forecasts (from a single or several models) will surely give you a better overview of the possible outcomes.
Regarding the short-term predictions of the next 0-6 hours, we are in the nowcasting realm (https://public.wmo.int/en/resources/bulletin/nowcasting-guidelines-–-summary). For this range, you should primarily look at real-time observations from radars, satellites, lightning networks, surface stations, etc; especially if there are enough of those near you. Some weather apps/services make a synthesis of these observations and extrapolate into the near future so that people know what actually comes their way.