什么是森林大火对土壤的影响在其他地方?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 03 - 31 - t12:55:42z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/22960 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/22960 7 什么是森林大火对土壤的影响在其他地方? veryconfusedman //www.hoelymoley.com/users/24599 2021年10月- 07 - t08:39:02z 2021 - 10 - 09 - t17:43:55z < p >说发生了大规模的森林大火。据我所知,烟雾和灰尘会骑风,甚至可能是一个健康危害人相当遥远。< / p > < p >我的问题是它会破坏土壤本身及其农业,在这些地方,有些距离?如果是这样的话,会是什么样子(到什么程度),距离我们谈论什么?< / p > < p >(这个感觉像一个可疑的事情问,让我澄清一下,我问这个,因为这是一个情节点在我正在写的一本书,我想真正了解外面会有何影响的具体事情发生的地方。我问过< a href = " https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/203651/a-huge-forest-native-almost-solely-to-elves-who-are-widely-regarded-with-hatred " > < / >有关问题在其他地方,但我认为这是最准确的。)< / p > < p >原谅我如果标签是不准确的,我对这些一无所知。< / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/22960/-/22961 # 22961 3 答案由f。索普对什么是森林大火对土壤的影响在其他地方? f.thorpe //www.hoelymoley.com/users/543 2021 - 10 - 08 - t04:24:06z 2021 - 10 - 08 - t04:24:06z < p >下降灰通常不是一个关心农业。但农产品颗粒物(烟)可以伤害。不是通过土壤,但暴露的植物在长期内吸烟。特别是,许多葡萄园主人非常不满最近增加的野火烟雾在西方。它污染了他们的葡萄和葡萄酒不可取的,甚至更糟的是,废墟的产品。< a href = " https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/how-the-wests-wineries-are-battling-ruinous-wildfire-smoke " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >《国家地理》提到:< / > < / p > < blockquote > < p >去年火灾成本葡萄酒行业在美国37亿美元……< / p > < /引用> < p >野火烟雾可以非常大的旅行距离(如半球),但烟并不长时间被困在地表附近,除非风了。这意味着野火在同一地理区域将烟雾的来源,排除了横跨大陆运输作为一个问题。吸烟很容易在盆地农业是普遍的,但烟雾的来源通常是更多的山区盆地。哥伦比亚盆地是一个很好的例子,你可以有烟池长时间来自喀斯喀特山脉的森林大火。< / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/22960/-/22963 # 22963 3 LazyReader回答的是什么大的森林火灾的影响对土壤在其他地方? LazyReader //www.hoelymoley.com/users/21028 2021 - 10 - 09 - t03:10:34z 2021 - 10 - 09 - t17:43:55z 后< p > < a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_St._Helens " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / >的圣海伦斯火山,森林经理认为收获木材在该地区和移植,因为他们认为会再次增长。相反,他们< a href = " https://www.mshslc.org/return-to-life/facts-and-research/faqs-on-return-to-life/were-any-trees-replanted-after-the-eruption/ " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >把它单独< / >,火山喷发中心现在最大的户外生态修复实验。科学家们监测率和方面,它的再生。相反现在死无菌环境面积与殖民者和花几十年未见的合作;开始阶段草地开始形成,一旦树幼苗开始;20 - 40年来这将是一个开放的大草原;50 - 100年一个新的林地;在150 - 20年可能会出现一个新的森林。森林火灾.....填补一个类似的生态作用< / p > < p >火的< a href = " https://www.pacificbio.org/initiatives/fire/fire_ecology.html " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / >在旱地生态是众所周知的,研究它的替代品的角色通常只有< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decomposer " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >的分解者< / >像细菌和真菌。 In more humid and wetter environments they break down wood/plant matter into soluble nutrients for plant uptake. In xeric ecosystems this process is slower to nearly non-existant. So fire substitutes that task by charing material into water soluble ash. Whole types of forests use this method for regeneration.... and it has various benefits. In fact every species that lives in fire prone ecosystems must have the ability to withstand at least one fire or risk losing it's place in the community.

  1. The fire itself converts aged woody debris and old trees into ash, this rich mineral laden dressing will feed the next generation
  2. It destroys weeds, by doing so provides available space for forbes, grasses and such to grow which is more desireable and edible by herbivorous species such as deer and game species.
  3. The smoke of the fire is a chemical catalyst that may trigger dormant seeds in the soil to germinate, Now without vegetation above and the next rain, the seeds will grow competitor free. This is how Sequoia and eucalyptus regenerate.
  4. The fire produces huge volumes of Ethylene gas which is a plant growth catalyst.