Cumbre Vieja火山爆发的火山爆发指数-地球科学堆栈交换江南电子竞技平台江南体育网页版
最近30个来自 2023 - 04 - 06 - t13:24:40z // // 7 Cumbre Vieja火山爆发的火山爆发指数
1 // 2021 - 10 - 22 - t13:37:32z 2022 - 07 - 17 - t16:40:39z 自从Cumbre Vieja火山上个月开始喷发以来,我一直在关注它的最后事件。为了掌握一些火山学的基本知识,我看到这次火山爆发在英语维基百科中被列为VEI-3,在西班牙维基百科中被列为VEI-2。根据喷发量,说它是VEI-3是有意义的,但西班牙公共电视台的专家并不关注喷发量,而是关注喷发类型,斯特龙博利火山喷发,所以是VEI-2。< / p >

Here you can see the difference:

Which is the real category of the current Cumbre Vieja eruption?

// 2 由用户27204回答Cumbre Vieja火山爆发的火山爆发指数
user27204 // 2022 - 07 - 17 - t16:16:32z 2022 - 07 - 17 - t16:40:39z

维基百科西班牙词条说11月20日火山爆发指数从2提高到3。原因是加那利群岛火山应急计划(PEVOLCA)认为11月20日火山碎屑的排放量超过了1000万立方米。< / p >

The volcano of La Palma, which erupted 61 days ago in Cumbre Vieja, has exceeded the emission of 10 million cubic meters of pyroclasts, for which the scientific committee of the Canary Islands Volcanic Emergencies Plan (Pevolca) has raised its rate of explosiveness from 2 to 3, on a scale of 8.


I guess there was a mistake in english wikipedia entry when you posted the question as now it can be read:

For its first two months, the eruption was assigned a rating on the Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) of VEI 2 (on a scale of 8). On 20 November 2021, the scientific committee of the Canary Islands Volcanic Emergency Plan (Pevolca) raised the rating from VEI 2 to VEI 3. Though in modern eruptions where it can be measured, eruption column height is often seen as a more accurate measure, in this case the change was based on the 10 million cubic metres of ejected material measure alone. The VEI rating was increased despite no change in the eruptive mechanism or explosiveness.

Source: wikipedia
