最近30个来自www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 04 - 13 - t11:58:08z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/23442 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/23442 2 历史排放数据能否用于未来WRF-Chem模型的运行?
Sujai纳杰 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/12660 2022 - 01 - 23 t22:32:36z 2022 - 01 - 24 t22:23:43z 我是运行WRF-Chem模型的新手,所以这个问题可能有点初级。我想对2019年的某些化学物质进行为期一年的模拟,为此,它足以提供2015年的排放吗?我假设WRF-Chem模型将能够插值到2019年的排放。我问这个问题的原因是因为EDGAR/ECLIPSE的排放是2015年的,而不是2019年的。因此,如果WRF-Chem模型不自动进行插值,我是否必须单独进行插值并将其作为WRF-Chem模型的输入?< / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/23442/-/23451#23451 1 历史排放数据能否用于未来WRF-Chem模型的运行?
f.thorpe //www.hoelymoley.com/users/543 2022 - 01 - 24 t22:23:43z 2022 - 01 - 24 t22:23:43z 我先说我自己不使用WRF-Chem,更熟悉使用EPA NEI建模平台(不是EDGAR)的SMOKE/CMAQ。< / p >

A comprehensive emissions inventory is not prepared for every year, so most modeling projects use the most recently available modeling platform with some project-specific updates. Depending on the country of interest, you may get different pieces corresponding to different years, regardless if it is stamped with "2015". It's up to the modeler to decide whether emissions need to be updated for various categories. Your project goals should help you identify which emissions are of most importance, and whether they should be updated for your project.

In regards to using 2015 for a 2019 scenario, it depends on the pollutants you are studying and the region of interest. A lot changed over those few years, but you can't update all sectors so you have to prioritize. For instance, ship emissions underwent huge reductions in sulfur emissions during the latter part of that decade. Vehicle NOx emissions will also have changed, since the fleet would be cleaner (newer vehicles) despite the increase in population. You could also screen your point source data for any new large facility startups or shutdowns. Point source data are often reported every year by large facilities and you could get more recent information. Wildfire is very year specific so if you are doing anything PM2.5 related, you should use a 2019-specific fire inventory.

Emissions processors that I'm familiar with will allow for the user to input adjustment factors that are sector specific, but it will not interpolate between two different emissions inventory years. It's easiest to just provide the actual emissions, as it can be quite complicated to implement adjustment factors. Though, you could also make brute-force adjustments to your emissions intermediate files, before they are merged. For example, if you expect 2019 NOx vehicle emissions to be 30% less than 2015 values, you could process the vehicle emissions and then run an update script on your gridded emissions file. It's crude, but it can also be very difficult to create year-specific mobile vehicle emissions.

Finally, any good modeling project should undergo a test-run, to identify any major deficiencies (e.g. by matching up with surface monitors of interest). Emissions updates should be made if anything stands out (e.g. a persistent over-bias in a large region). Though, keep in mind that the emissions processor will augment annual emissions based on meteorology and temporal profiles, depending on the category. So, sometimes adjusting annual emissions is not enough to deal with the problem.
