Johnson Atoll, at around 169° W is close to that that Meridian zone, as is Niue. South of Umnak Island, within that meridian zone there is no land above sea level, but there are geological features such a sea mounts, particularly the line of mounts between Hawaii and Midway Atoll.
This does not yet account for islands. Three islands suffice to close those gaps. Greenland, which spans from 11°21'36" W to 73°47'35" W, closes the gap in the Atlantic, while Umnak (which spans from 167°47'00" W to 169°07'08" W) and St. Lawrence Island (which spans from 168°41'17" W to 171°51'00" W) together cover in the gap in the Pacific. Note that the westernmost point of Unmak is to the west of the easternmost point of St. Lawrence Island, so there is no gap between these two islands.