- 在沙丘的更陡峭的部分有更多的沙子被移除吗?
是但不是;实际上,沙丘中的大部分颗粒都是从迎风方向旋转到背风方向,再到沙丘的底部,任何区域的沙子都不会从沙丘中移走。然而,沙丘背风边缘的颗粒垂直运动速率要大得多。 - 在沙丘上跳跃的距离变化吗?
是的,跳跃距离是风力和“平均停止距离”的函数;沙丘的坡度越陡,停下来的距离就越短,因为跳跃实际上是一种水平流动,沙丘的坡度在颗粒撞击地面之前拦截了它们非常平坦的弹道。 - 地表上的砂通量是什么样的?在一个给定的米网格中移动的颗粒数相当均匀。 In terms of movement across the surface area of the dune also very even over time but with movement of the windward slope being slow and steady while movements on the lee slope tend to be more variable and characterised by irregular slips of large areas. In terms of grains joining and leaving the dune that is a matter of how you define a grain as being part of the dune or not but I'd be inclined to go with a model that showed a trickle of new grains on the windward edge with an even smaller number of grains lost at the leeward toe with most of the outgoings being concentrated at the crest.