疏浚河口通道对水流的影响,地球科学堆栈交换江南电子竞技平台江南体育网页版 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 10 - t20:43:00z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/23737 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/23737 4 疏浚河口通道对水流的影响 tkreyche //www.hoelymoley.com/users/26731 2022 - 04 - 19 - t19:07:46z 2022 - 04 - 21 - t05:15:33z < p >是有可能做一些归纳对疏浚河道为河口的水文效应?还是太复杂的问题,必须考虑每一种情况下独立?< / p > < p >让我造成什么可能是一个相当常见的场景:一个河口与海洋通过一个通道,允许适量的潮流——3到4节的潮流导致电流在两个方向上(在任何时候不阻塞)。河口是由小小溪但没有主要河流,潮汐流是主要的影响。有一个提议疏浚渠道增加深度和宽度更容易适应小型船舶。< / p > < p >疏浚改变水的体积,流经通道在潮周期?< / p > < p >如果是这样的话,这是否意味着有一个最大值和最小值的变化在河口潮汐高度还是潮汐高度不受影响?< / p > < p >这种影响水流的速度如何?(在一个简单的文丘里,这将是慢)。< / p > < p >其他水文效应可能会发生什么?(忽略生物等)< / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/23737/-/23750 # 23750 4 答案由托马斯·佩里疏浚河口通道对水流的影响 托马斯·佩里 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/26744 2022 - 04 - 21 - t05:15:33z 2022 - 04 - 21 - t05:15:33z < p >虽然没有什么信息给出了这个问题的主题特定的河口,以通用的方式考虑任何河口为澄清的过程可以提供一些概念视图。可以概括,关于更详细了解流入和流出的交互,可以开发一个简单的液压模型。建议将使用一个简单的回水曲线方法的一般尺寸流入/流出通道的河口。< / p > < blockquote > < p >有可能使一些关于疏浚河道的水文效应概括成一个河口吗?< / p > < /引用> < p >回答:是的。一般来说,疏浚河道为河口将改善的效率从河口潮汐流入和receding-tidal流出。这种改善的结果可能是不可取的,因为水河口环境中居住时间将缩短,尤其是上面的上游部分流入通道。< / p > < blockquote > < p >疏浚改变水的体积,流经通道在潮周期?< / p > < /引用> < p >回答:是的,最有可能。因为疏浚的流入和流出效率将提高频道,更多的水将流入河口的上部。pre-dredging条件下,该频道是低效率的。因此,作为高潮是,更少的水会流入河口高潮之前开始退去。进一步,高潮消退,更少的水会流出河口再次高潮前的开始阶段。现在,假设通道疏浚,这些相同的潮汐条件下更多的水会流入河口。 This is because the inflow channel (being now dredged) would be more efficient in moving water upstream as the channel had been deepened, and perhaps widened, thereby offering less hydraulic resistance to the inflow. And further, the outfall would be more efficient. Consequently, the interchange of tidal water within the estuary would be increased, which may be undesirable.

If so, does this imply that there is a change in the max and min tide heights in the estuary or is the tidal height unaffected?

Answer: this depends... If conditions in the inflow channel offer relatively high resistance to tidal inflow, the upper portion of the estuary may not have come to equilibrium with the elevation of the high tide before the tide begins to recede. Consequently, the upper area does not reach the full height of the tidal staging. Neither does the upper area fully drain to the stage of the low tide before high tide begins. Under these natural conditions, specific environments develop within the upper area of the estuary, and in the fore-beach oceanward section of the estuary outfall where the outflow reaches and mixes with the sea. But if the channel is deepened, less hydraulic resistance to this inflow and outflow is present and the interchange of this water becomes more efficient. The range across the max and min tide heights may be affected. This can have adverse consequences to the estuarine environment.

How does this effect the rate of water flow?

Answer: Dredging will improve the water inflow and thereby increase the rate of inflow and outflow in response to tide. This is because deepening of the channel reduces the channel's hydraulic resistance and thereby improves (increases) the rate of inflow, and outflow. Depending on the size of the estuary, and the response to tidal inflow and outflow, the expected consequence would be that somewhat more volume would accrue on the inflow in response to high tide.

What other hydrographic effect might occur?

Answer: This is unknown. In some instances the consequences can be dramatic. For example, estuarine marshland can be adversely affected by the post-dredging influx of more saline water.

Disclaimer: This answer is in regard to general observations, only. No consultation or practice liability is assumed.
