< p >我没有真正熟悉自己实现增长度天本身。< / p > < p >:在阅读参考(< a href = " https://mrcc.purdue.edu/gismaps/info/gddinfo.htm " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / >), (< a href = " https://extension.psu.edu/understanding-growing-degree-days " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / >),和(< a href = " https://farmwest.com/climate/calculator-information/gdd/ " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > 3 < / >)我看到没有迹象表明它应该被过滤。< / p > < p >所使用的术语也声音来源于长加热和冷却度天程度,我知道这是完成从一天24小时的最大和最小(如< a href = " https://www.weather.gov/lch/f6info " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >这个NOAA页面显示< / >)。 And in addition, the lowest temperature of the day usually occurs right near or just after dawn, so filtering it to "daytime" temperatures being when the sun is up would basically include roughly the coldest (and hottest) temperature of the day anyways.
So while I've never interacted with this specific metric, everything suggests to me that you would just use the values over a standard 24 hour day.