为什么金矿形式只有在某些领域的地球?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换 最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 07 - 07 - t14:49:21z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/2393 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/2393 18 为什么金矿形式只有在某些领域的地球? Nirvik约纳利 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/793 2014 - 08 - 21 - t09:03:23z 2022 - 03 - 24 - t16:08:38z < p > < img src = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/L8wJ9.jpg " alt = "地球矿物地图" > < / p > < p >在上面的图中可以发现,大多数元素在地壳中分布均匀,环绕地球的都是可用的。然而,黄金只能发现在地球的某些地区如澳大利亚和加拿大。有特殊原因为什么黄金只能开采在这些位置或只是一个巧合吗? < / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/2393/-/2397 # 2397 20. 由Gimelist回答为什么金矿形式只有在某些领域的地球? Gimelist //www.hoelymoley.com/users/725 2014 - 08 - 22 - t11:17:19z 2014 - 08 - 22 - t11:17:19z < p >我将问题由另一个人的形式,试图提供一个不同的答案。< / p > < p >所以你问的是:<强> < em >“黄金怎么变得如此集中在世界的某些地方?”< / em > < /强> < / p > < p >是的,黄金是周围的浓度太低,使提取它值得的。你需要一些过程采取从大体积和少量的黄金变成大量的黄金在体积小,方便建立采矿设备和把它从地球。< / p > < p >最常见的一种集中黄金过程是通过热液流体的作用。这基本上是热水流经地壳。热水与酸度等某些属性(pH)或溶解阴离子(想想氯海水腐蚀性比你的自来水)可以溶解固体黄金到解决方案。就像普通的水可以溶解食盐或糖和把它放到解决方案。< / p > < p >你们有这热液流体流经巨大物体的岩石(丘,但地下)很长一段时间,当它上升到水面,它流向薄流体流动的渠道。在他们提升的条件变化(温度和pH值等)和水不能够携带黄金了。这导致在特定地区的黄金的沉积。

I made an example, that I hope will help you understand this in a clearer way:

enter image description here

So in here you have rain water, entering the Earth in a large area and getting hotter as they descend down. It becomes possible for them to dissolve the gold from the large volume of rock. But also, because the water (now steam or a supercritical fluid) are hot they start to ascend upwards, usually through a narrow zone. When they cool down again, gold forms as a solid. For example, gold associated with quartz veins commonly forms through this process.

Now, what happens if these gold-bearing quartz veins are exposed on the surface? They may erode by rain and snow and get concentrated in river beds. So you can either mine the original quartz vein or the nearby river bed.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/2393/-/4458 # 4458 6 由exg回答为什么金矿形式只有在某些领域的地球? exg //www.hoelymoley.com/users/2609 2015 - 02年- 26 - t07:06:38z 2015 - 02年- 26 - t07:06:38z < p >黄金主要起源热液静脉和接触变质存款和伟晶岩。也发生在砂矿次生成因的沉积。< / p > < p >它是更容易发现静脉与火成岩相关的丰富的硅。< / p > < p >黄金的主要来源是在热液石英脉与黄铁矿等硫化物。黄金是机械与硫化物而不是化学混合替换。< / p > < p >在大多数的黄金谷物是如此地传播,它的存在与微观技术只能检测到。大量的0.004 ppm地壳。< / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/2393/-/7189 # 7189 0 由charmy回答为什么金矿形式只有在某些领域的地球? charmy //www.hoelymoley.com/users/5112 2016 - 01 - 07 - t14:23:28z 2016 - 01 - 07 - t14:23:28z < p >我必须同意一些国家似乎比其他人有更多的黄金。以澳大利亚为例;东海岸有更多黄金的发现,然而,西海岸产生了更多的黄金。东部沿海各州更密集,所以它将意义更多金矿发现的地方。我读理论黄金是由恒星大爆炸后新星。之前,地球最终形成现在古代流星/小行星沉积黄金世界各地。黄金会发现衣柜里地球的核心。黄金是一种沉重的元素和地球的早期阶段,自然更多的黄金会被发现接近核心。混淆了铀也是沉重的,但只有在地壳中找到。又一次我到澳大利亚寻找答案。

Australia recorded only 180 impacts, compared to other countries recording over 900. Both Western and Northern Australia record three times more impacts than the East coast. The west coast produced veins of gold while the east coast produced huge nuggets and flecks. The east coast of Australia suffered volcanic eruptions. While the western and northern have few if any inactive volcano's. The vast plans would explain the veins, spread of impact over distances. All confirming the theory but not why uranium is found in the crust in these areas. Perhaps uranium was formed over time from impact of these asteroids or took longer to cook than gold during the big bang. Its odd though that uranium is proficient in the same areas.

I'm just a backyard scrub but for my two bob answer to your question, I'd say gold is more evident on larger continents that are more accessible. Remember Australia is wide as the USA with fewer mountain ranges and a tenth of the population.

In the 1900 a man near death and surely out of his mind returned to town claiming to of found a reef of gold a mile long. Harold Bell Lasseter had rode west to find his fortune, on finding it he lost his way home and the location of his fortune. For 30yrs Lasseter insisted on continuing the trek looking for his goldern mile, until eventually he died of malnutrition and exhaustion. Kalgoorlie in Western Australia was dicovered soon after. Kalgoorlie mines produce 850,000 ounces (28 tonnes) of gold per year. Lasseter reef has never been found.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/2393/-/13549 # 13549 0 由泰勒歌顿回答为什么金矿形式只有在某些领域的地球? 泰勒歌顿 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/2491 2018 - 03 - 04 - t23:22:10z 2018 - 03 - 05 - t00:19:56z < p >黄金是发现世界各地。它恰好是我最经济取决于一系列的随机因素,包括政治因素。< / p > < p >黄金开采中的一个重要因素是劳动力的成本。劳动率低的地方更容易让人们开采黄金。在非洲有些地方人们徒手挖出黄金。< / p > < p >可能是有很多黄金离开加州,但你真的要重新启动液压挖掘,清洗整个山脉成泥,黄金吗?液压挖掘被禁止在加州在100年前,但是只要你愿意摧毁萨克拉门托山谷的每一座山,我们可以再次启动它,并让加州变成一个金矿。< / p > < p > < a href = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/DDHRF.jpg " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < img src = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/DDHRF.jpg " alt = "在这里输入图像描述" > < / > < / p > < p >(上图)<强>液压挖掘< /强>。我们可以再加州金矿区域,但是我们想吗? < / p > //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/2393/-/16920 # 16920 4 由埃里克Bloem回答为什么金矿形式只有在某些领域的地球? Erik Bloem //www.hoelymoley.com/users/16854 2019 - 05 - 10 - t11:00:15z 2019 - 05 - 10 - t12:55:24z < p >我确实同意Gimelist如何通过热液流体,黄金是积累,这个过程的主要推动力是火山活动。< / p > < p >,然而,一些有趣的注意。我们可以找到很“旧”太古代的黄金,20亿多年前,主要在2太古代时期,主要热液金在很老的绿岩带的类型由Gimelist描述。想到加拿大、南非和澳大利亚。< / p > < p >然而,也有非常年轻的黄金,第三/四元,在安第斯山脉,落基山脉,和菲律宾,巴布亚新几内亚和印尼。这些都是沿着“火环”,看来你需要,至少现在,海洋的俯冲,也许老,地壳,形成强烈的火山活动,创建Gimelist描述的热液过程。< / p > < p >有一些黄金其他几个时期,一个在盘古大陆的形成。这是黄金我们发现例如在西班牙。但全球远小于其他2期,那些从太古代和第三/四元一个。< / p > < p >这至少是非常有趣的,我们发现主要黄金主要来自2期,老的和年轻的,有少得多从其他时代的岩石中发现。< / p >