为什么会有一个窗口在地球大气的吸收光谱的波长4μm ?- 江南体育网页版- - - - -地球科学堆江南电子竞技平台栈交换
最近30从www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 03 - 26 - t01:03:56z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/23961 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/23961 4 为什么会有一个窗口在地球大气的吸收光谱的波长4μm ?
KEY_ABRADE //www.hoelymoley.com/users/23134 2022 - 06 - 27 - t01:41:12z 2022 - 06 - 28 - t14:25:27z < p >看< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absorption_band " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >吸收带的维基百科页面< / >,在我看来,有一个相当大的窗口,即< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxima_and_minima " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >局部最小值< / >——图中< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_radiation " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / >电磁辐射吸收,按下面的编辑图像。< / p > < p > < a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_vapor " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >水蒸气< / >、< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxygen " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >氧气< / >,< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ozone " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >臭氧< / >,和< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methane " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / >甲烷似乎完全透明4μm波长的辐射,< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_dioxide " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / >只有二氧化碳似乎开始吸收后< em > < / em >,甚至< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrous_oxide " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >一氧化二氮< / >有一个窗口。此外,< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rayleigh_scattering " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / >瑞利散射也最小。< / p > < p >的< em > < / em >, < a href = " //www.hoelymoley.com/a/13621/23134 " >这江南体育网页版个地球科学堆栈交易所回答< 江南电子竞技平台/ > < a href = " //www.hoelymoley.com/users/11908/camilo-rada " > Camilo Rada < / >和< a href = " https://webbook.nist.gov/cgi/cbook.cgi?ID=C7446095& Type = IR-SPEC&指数= 0”rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / >其来源显示最小(sub - 0.5%)波长吸光度的二氧化硫。< / p > < p >这是为什么呢?这似乎是一个相当奇怪的巧合,很多事情是透明4μm(特定波长的< a href = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infrared # Regions_within_the_infrared”rel = " nofollow noreferrer " >中波长红外< / >)电磁辐射。< / p > < p > < a href = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/jOhUm.png " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < img src = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/jOhUm.png " alt = "在这里输入图像描述" / > < / > < / p >
//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/23961/-/23968 # 23968 5 由AtmosphericPrisonEscape回答为什么会有一个窗口在地球大气的吸收光谱的波长4μm ?
AtmosphericPrisonEscape //www.hoelymoley.com/users/489 2022 - 06 - 28 - t14:25:27z 2022 - 06 - 28 - t14:25:27z < p >没有足够强大的吸收任何在这个波长的温室气体。然而这并不意味着没有。< / p > < p >记住你所看到的是传输函数,绘制在线性范围内,添加到它。每个波长传输函数在一定大气高度z被定义为< span class = " math-container " > $ T =我(z) / I_0 = e ^{- \τ(z)} $ < / span >,在光学深度<跨类= " math-container " > \τ< / span >美元是视距积分所有物种的混浊乘以密度沿着一条路径,即< span class = " math-container " > $ \τ(z) = \ int_z ^ \ infty dz \;\ sum_ {\ rm物种}\ rho_s (z) \ kappa_{年代}(z) < / span >,美元在< span class = " math-container " > \ρ(z)美元< / span >是一个物种的密度<跨类= " math-container " > s < / span >美元在给定的高度,和<跨类= " math-container " > $ \ kappa_{年代}$ < / span >。< br / >快速看水的透明度在对数刻度1酒吧和300 k(从< A href = " https://dace.unige。ch /透明/ noreferrer“rel = >鲦鱼透明度数据库< / >)显示,只有普通分子显著下降波段波长,而不是其它。同样与其他物种。< / p > < p > < a href = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/06vz0.png " rel = " noreferrer " > < img src = " https://i.stack.imgur.com/06vz0.png " alt =“不透明度功能水在酒吧和300 k”/ > < / > < / p > < p >事实上,就在4微米似乎有一个可疑的下降是因为我们的常压塔深度积分类< span = " math-container " > \ρ(z)美元< / span >在这个波长只给了一个小,但非零值< span class = " math-container " > \τ(z)美元< / span >。如果传输情节是对数,你会看到这个非零值。< / p > < p >此外,试图理解< / p > < blockquote > < p >这是为什么呢? It seems like a rather odd coincidence for so many things to be transparent to 4 μm (a specific wavelength of mid-wavelength infrared) EM radiation.

Just think of molecular opacities being periodic signals in wavelength space. If you stack enough periods, you will always find a minimum somewhere, by superposition. For the few ingredients you mentioned, this minimum just happens to be at 4$\mu$m.
