MIKE-SHE和mike - hydrriver模型运行错误:“无法写入动态项目”-驱动器空间问题?-地江南体育网页版球科学堆栈交换江南电子竞技平台
最近30个来自www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 04 - 06 - t08:06:13z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/24181 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/24181 2 MIKE-SHE和mike - hydrriver模型运行错误:“无法写入动态项目”-驱动器空间问题?
JG_enviro //www.hoelymoley.com/users/27371 2022 - 08 - 17 - t08:54:36z 2022 - 08 - 17 - t11:42:44z

我正在尝试运行一个耦合的水文-水力,MIKE- she - MIKE- hydroriverver (MIKE 1D)模型(2020版,DHI)。为了让MIKE 1D液压模拟运行时没有稳定性问题,我必须使用5秒的时间步长。耦合模型运行起来似乎没有问题,直到它运行了大约83%,模拟了大约5年的时间,这时它在日志中显示了一条错误消息,程序自行关闭。


写入错误项文件:C:\Users\User\Desktop\working\UpMols\Result\UpMols_13032019。她-结果文件\UpMols_13032019_ET_AllCells。dfs2 msheDFS Error: Unable write dynamic item Error writing datatype, subtype, time: 1,1,44184.0000000000 terminate…在31811040时间步后调用MIKE 1D与停止请求…Ok 11:27:50:停止后82.8%的模拟

我的硬盘在这次运行后几乎满了,所以也许这是一个驱动器空间问题?如果MIKE 1D需要一个5秒的时间步长,我唯一的选择是找到更多的驱动器空间来让它运行吗?< / p >

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/24181/-/24184#24184 1 由ecohydrol回答MIKE-SHE和MIKE-HydroRiver模型运行错误:“无法写入动态项目”-驱动器空间问题?
ecohydrol //www.hoelymoley.com/users/27288 2022 - 08 - 17 - t11:42:44z 2022 - 08 - 17 - t11:42:44z



在你的MIKE-SHE设置(。,在“结果的存储”下,你可以选择你想要保存的输出,并设置保存的时间步长。网格化的结果文件占用了大量空间。我建议不要以次每日的时间步骤保存这些文件,除非您的应用程序确实需要这样做。 You’ll likely want the grid items flagged as being necessary for the catchment water balance calculation, but perhaps don’t need all the grids on the list, as the grid files take up a huge amount of storage space.

NB: If you set-up saving “Detailed River Time Series” in MIKE-SHE and give this a larger timestep than the MIKE-Hydro timestep, this won’t change what MIKE-Hydro is saving in the background. This will just save another version of the flow or stage output at the timestep you specified and save it with the MIKE-SHE results. To reduce what MIKE-Hydro saves, you need to change that in MIKE-Hydro as mentioned above.
