他们怎么知道在墨西哥西南部附近发生7.6级地震后,死亡谷洞穴中发生了“沙漠海啸”?-地江南体育网页版球科学堆栈交换江南电子竞技平台 最近30个来自www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 04 - 12 - t03:03:24z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/24357 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/24357 4 他们怎么知道在墨西哥西南部附近发生7.6级地震后,死亡谷洞穴中发生了“沙漠海啸”? uhoh //www.hoelymoley.com/users/6031 2022 - 09 - 24 - t03:43:05z 2022 - 09 - 26 - t08:25:59z


周一,墨西哥西南海岸附近发生7.6级地震,大约五分钟后,死亡谷国家公园洞穴深处通常平静的水开始撞击周围的石灰岩。< / p >

The reverberations from the earthquake more than 1,500 miles away created what experts have called a "desert tsunami," which on Monday made waves erupt up to 4 feet high in the cave known as Devils Hole, a pool of water about 10 feet wide, 70 feet long and more than 500 feet deep, in Amargosa Valley, Nevada.

The water in the partially filled cave has become an "unusual indicator of seismic activity" across the world, with earthquakes across the globe—as far as Japan, Indonesia and Chile—causing the water to splash up Devils Hole, according to the National Park Service website.


"It depends on the depth, magnitude and location around the world," Wilson said. He said typically earthquakes along the Pacific's "Ring of Fire" that reach at or above a magnitude 7 will register in Devils Hole.

Question: How did they know that there was a "desert tsunami" in a Death Valley cave after a 7.6 magnitude earthquake near the southwest of Mexico?

I'm wondering if there are video cameras inside, or water height sensors that record wave height, or was there just a puddle of water outside the opening in the morning?

Since the article begins "About five minutes after the 7.6 magnitude earthquake hit..." it suggests there were some type of live data collected, although that could simply be an estimate somehow?

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/24357/-/24359#24359 6 在墨西哥西南部附近发生7.6级地震后,他们是如何知道死亡谷洞穴中发生了“沙漠海啸”的? 让-玛丽•Prival //www.hoelymoley.com/users/18081 2022 - 09 - 24 - t08:01:53z 2022 - 09 - 26 - t08:25:59z 死亡谷国家公园网站的新闻部分有这个故事:墨西哥地震摇晃了魔鬼洞。在页面的最后有海浪的镜头。这里是一个截图来自视频:

NPS photo by Ambre Chaudoin, public domain

NPS photo by Ambre Chaudoin, public domain

< p>Edit:起初,我以为这就是他们怎么知道有“沙漠海啸”的答案。在7.6级地震后的死亡谷洞穴中:他们从摄像机中获得了视觉信息。然而,正如@uhoh在评论中指出的那样,他们也知道另一次地震没有触发 a地震,而且这次地震发生在凌晨1点,所以他们不可能只通过视觉输出来知道。事实上,洞穴的水位已经被监测了一段时间。From Matthew Weingarten博士论文:

自1989年8月以来,国家公园管理局一直在用多种仪器监测魔鬼洞的水位。通过浮动滑轮装置和附带的条形图记录仪记录连续水位(图2.2)。条形图记录仪以图形方式记录相对于固定高度的实时水位。 The majority of the water level was recorded on 0.0005 m of strip chart per 30 minutes. The resolution of the float-pulley device is 0.003 m and the maximum possible recorded water level fluctuation recorded is 0.3 m (16). Two pressure transducers and an electronic data logger were also added to record water levels to the nearest 0.0003 m on 15-minute intervals. The strip chart recorder was removed in May 2010. In December 2012 a new pressure transducer was installed and a data logger reprogrammed to record water level at 1-second (1 Hz) intervals when an offset of 0.003 m was detected. The updated monitoring protocol records higher frequency, digital water level data.

The monitoring setup is shown on figure 2.2, while some examples of water level response to earthquakes is shown on figure 2.3 (not included here because of copyright). Alternatively, there is also a publication on the same topic (Weingarten & Ge, 2014), but the photo of the setup was not included.

Bottom-line is: they know that some earthquakes do trigger seiches at Devils Hole, and that some don't, because the water level of the cave is monitored in near real-time.

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/24357/-/24364#24364 3. 他们怎么知道在墨西哥西南部附近发生7.6级地震后,死亡谷洞穴中发生了“沙漠海啸”? 奥利 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/27683 2022 - 09 - 25 - t08:39:08z 2022 - 09 - 26 - t01:29:38z 至于他们是如何知道的,以及他们是如何记录的:这些观察是洞穴保护工作的副产品。魔鬼洞小鱼是生物学家观察到的濒危物种。< / p >

From Wikipedia's Devils Hole pupfish; Threats:

In addition to the indirect threat of groundwater depletion, human actions can impact the pupfish in other ways as well. A 2004 flash flood swept scientific monitoring equipment into Devils Hole, causing the deaths of an estimated eighty pupfish.[40] In April 2016, three men broke into the Devils Hole protected area, destroying scientific equipment and wading onto the shallow shelf of Devils Hole, smashing pupfish eggs and larvae, as well as vomiting into the water.

The effects of seismic activity on the water of the cave affects these pupfish, and is a regular known phenomenon.

enter image description here

Nearly the entire natural range of the species is visible in this photo. The equipment is used to monitor the water level.

