ERA5数据-阵风如何定义?-地江南体育网页版球科学堆栈交换江南电子竞技平台 最近30个来自 2023 - 04 - 05 - t21:08:45z // // 6 ERA5数据-阵风如何定义? squarespiral // 2022 - 10 - 20 - t10:49:54z 2022 - 10 - 21 - t10:05:29z


我的理解是,阵风基本上就是一个观测周期内若干个平均风速的最大值。假设我测量了超过1小时的平均风速,然后看看同样1小时的10分钟平均值,其中最大的是我的“风速”。(V_600_3600 -参见这里的命名法:

但ERA数据是重新分析的,所以当然,强风基本上只是平均1小时风之上的一个因素。我不明白的是,这使用了哪个阵风定义。是10分钟(V_600_3600)还是1分钟(V_60_3600),甚至是3秒(V_3_3600) ?

我的数据公司的支持坚持"Wind gust"是“一小时内的最大风速”; (they deliver hourly data over long time periods - years) but they insist that this "Wind gust"-value cannot be defined in terms of a particular averaging-time period like 10-minute gust or similar.

I tried to find the wind gust definition for ERA5 - the only thing I found is this definition here, that defines the "Instantaneous 10m wind gust" as being equal to the 3s wind gust (V_3_3600):

Is this the correct definition? I'm a bit confused, since this contradicts the company support guys (which are specialist for this thing). They insist, there is not time-averaging-period attached to the definition of "Wind gust" which is, in my understanding, not sensible. There must be some time information attached to any definition of "wind gust" as far as I understand? But then again I'm not a meteorologist and might miss something basic.

Obliged for any help to clarify this respectively lets me understand this better.

// 7 Deditos对ERA5数据的回答-阵风是如何定义的? Deditos // 2022 - 10 - 21 - t10:05:29z 2022 - 10 - 21 - t10:05:29z





这个计算的细节可以在IFS文档 (S3.9.4)中找到,在旧的ECMWF通讯中有一个更可读的摘要Bechtold和Bidlot (2009)。我的解释是,这是V_3_X的参数化,计算每个模型时间步长,因此X是瞬时输出场的大气时间步长(例如,大约90到1200秒,取决于模型分辨率)。同样可用的聚合期间最大输出字段将简单地为该期间的最大V_3_X
