where $T_s$表示不含大气的理想地球温度。虽然很符合逻辑,但我觉得其中有一点不一致:我们计算出大气温度比地球温度低一个固定的因子0,84。但是没有提到这个大气层的高度。这怎么可能呢,因为大气层的温度(至少在某种程度上)是由绝热温度梯度给出的,因此,当地面温度给定时,在给定高度上没有额外的温度自由度。
我的结论是,在平衡条件下,大气中对辐射贡献最大的部分(“单层”)对应于一个高度,其中温度与公式(2)匹配。好的。但另一方面,直接辐射到开放空间的大气部分必须在大约$\tau \约1$ 从TOA向下测量的光学厚度层内,因为下面的层从外面看应该是不透明的。因此,发射层的高度也没有自由度,因为它完全由光学厚度决定,温室气体越多,“最后一次发射”的高度就越高。层必须是。
Additionally, to make my confusion complete, when viewed from earth's surface, radiation received by surface must be from a layer within about optical thickness $\tau \approx 1$ measured from surface level up. But this height must be significantly lower as compared to the height of the layer which radiates into space - otherwise atmosphere would be transparent for IR. So how can we speak of a "single layer" and why does it give correct numbers?
So I don't get along with this description at all, although I would like it for its simplicity, not least because it gives a result consistent with data. Where is my misconception? I've been pondering this for a good month now and nobody can tell me what I'm doing wrong. Up to now, the field of meteorology appears a bit alchemistic for me.