最近30个来自www.hoelymoley.com 2023 - 03 - 25 - t19:58:56z //www.hoelymoley.com/feeds/question/24623 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.hoelymoley.com/q/24623 6 为什么地球的大气层在地平线附近是白色的?
Sebastyen Laroche //www.hoelymoley.com/users/28134 2022 - 12 - 12 - t21:49:29z 2023 - 03 - 19 - t18:31:53z 为什么地球的大气层在地平线附近有一种更白的颜色?(在晴朗无云、太阳最高的日子)?< / p >

The amount of air being greater in this direction, why is the atmosphere near the horizon whiter (paler) instead of red, orange like at sunset and sunrise?

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/24623/-/24632#24632 8 为什么地球的大气层在地平线附近是白色的?
大卫·贝利 //www.hoelymoley.com/users/27775 2022 - 12 - 14 - t20:23:31z 2022 - 12 - 14 - t20:23:31z 原因是地平线更白,因为我们看到所有波长的阳光从视线到地平线(以及更远的地方)均匀地散射到我们的眼睛,所以地平线看起来与阳光是相同的颜色,即。这是因为在足够远的距离内,来自遥远空气的短波(“蓝色”)光向我们方向散射的概率较高,这种散射过程会被相同的散射过程抵消,导致光在穿过空气到达你的眼睛时被衰减。这个解释基本上和M.G.J. Minnaert的&;户外的光与色&;。如果我们朝地平线看,我们看到的是阳光从空中沿着我们的视线散射。为了简单起见,让我们假设沿着视线有一个密度恒定的均匀大气,这并不是一个可怕的近似值,因为视线接近地球表面,直到它远远超过地平线。从一小部分$dx$沿该视线散射的阳光量与$dx/\mu$成正比,其中$\mu$为空气中的散射长度。如果该断面距离我们的距离$x$,那么散射光到达我们眼睛的部分将为$e^{-x/\mu}$。我们将从这条视线中看到的散射回我们的光的总量将正比于$$\int_0^D e^{-x/\mu} \frac{dx}{\mu}=1-e^{-D/\mu} \xrightarrow[D>>\mu]{}1$$其中$D$是到我们能看到的最远的散射光的距离。(我最初认为应该有一个$1/x^2$因子,随着光源越来越远,但这被抵消了,因为对于一个固定的观察立体角度,观测到的源体积随着$x^2$.)

只要$D>\mu({\lambda})$对于所有可见波长,如果给定波长的散射概率更大,元素$dx$散射了更多的波长,但也有更多的波长在它到达你的路径上散射,这两个效应抵消了。散射的波长依赖性从积分中下降,我们看到的是初始阳光的颜色。< / p >

Assuming the atmosphere ends at the earth's atmospheric scale height of $\sim 8.5$ km, the assumption of $D>\mu$ seems reasonable since on a perfectly clear day our line-of-sight in air extends over 300 kilometres beyond the horizon. This is longer than the Rayleigh scattering length for green light ($532$ nm) of about $100$ km. The actual scattering lengths will usually even be shorter because of significant Mie scattering from aerosols such as water droplets and dust between us and the horizon. Even if the distances are not enough to make the horizon pure white, it will still be much paler than the blue sky overhead. (The reason the sky overhead looks blue is because there isn't enough distance (i.e. $D_{sky} \lesssim 8.5\,\textrm{km}<\mu(\lambda)$) for the scattering along the line-of-sight to cancel out the larger initial scattering of blue light.)

//www.hoelymoley.com/questions/24623/-/25034#25034 0 为什么地球的大气层在地平线附近是白色的?
奥斯卡Lanzi //www.hoelymoley.com/users/20607 2023 - 03 - 16 - t19:08:16z 2023 - 03 - 19 - t18:31:53z 这两张照片显示天空不仅变得越来越白。它也变得更绿。< / p >

enter image description here

On the left is a picture of a typical winter scene. On the right a filter is added, its color and transparency adjusted to produce a neutral gray (65% black, 35% white) in the upper portion of the sky. We see the lower sky under this filtration become greenish, more brightly so as well as lighter near the horizon.

What this shows is that as we move down the sky and the scattering path becomes longer, green light is the first to become more visibly scattered because its wavelength is nearest to the violet and blue wavelengths that are strongly scattered in the whole sky. Thus the evolving color of the sky as one approaches the horizon results from both a greater amount of light scattering and the extension of our perception of this scattering into more of the visible spectrum.
